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  1. abe23

    Hearing begins in alleged plot to murder Afghans

    The Pentagon has been trying to keep a lid on this, so there hasn't been a lot of publicity around this and afghanistan is a bit of yawn for most people these days. The kicker about this story is that the only reason these psychopaths got caught was an inquiry into alleged -yes, you guessed...
  2. abe23

    The perils of constitution-worship

    Good article...
  3. abe23

    Progressive, conservative, libertarian...

    Found this here: Seems pretty accurate...
  4. abe23

    Colin Powell on meet the press

    Did anyone see this? It's nice to be reminded that there are still sensible republicans out there... Here's the link if anyone is interested...
  5. abe23

    Looks like this woman just lost her primary race.... I'm happy...
  6. abe23

    California Legislature Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

    Published on ( California Legislature Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Bill By psmith Created 2010/09/01 - 11:58am by Phillip Smith [1], September 01, 2010, 11:58am, (Issue #647 [2]) Posted in: Arrests [3] Budgets/Taxes/Economics [4]...
  7. abe23

    Bush tax cuts expiring....

    I feel like we need a non-conspiracy thread in here to clear the air a bit.... How does everyone feel about letting the tax cuts expire? Is it a painful tax raise during a wobbly recovery or something that is necessary to make our finances more sustainable? If the debt and deficits are...
  8. abe23

    V.A. Easing Rules for Users of Medical Marijuana
  9. abe23

    Alleged gunman says he wanted 'a revolution'

    Too much Glenn Beck is bad for ya....
  10. abe23

    "Barney Frank and Ron Paul: Cut Military Spending"

    Once again, the only two people on capitol hill with both their balls and brains intact....
  11. abe23

    "In Politics, Sometimes The Facts Don't Matter"

    Heard this on the radio the other day....very interesting.
  12. abe23

    Elena Kagan

    Do you think she would make a good justice? Why or why not?
  13. abe23

    Post your favorite political documentaries

    I thought we might like a thread to list any good videos about politics... Here's some of my favorites: frontline on pbs/wgbh: this is one of the most amazing investigative journalism programs I've ever come across. There are around 90 of them you can watch online and there's a really broad...
  14. abe23

    Illegal vs hispanic

    Whenever there's a discussion of immigration it quickly becomes about latin american migrants and mexicans in particular. It seems like most of the anti-immigrant crowd is more upset at people speaking spanish rather than people being here without papers. So be honest, is your problem with...
  15. abe23

    Joe Barton's apology...

    In case you missed it... That's the top republican on the house energy committee apologizing to the ceo of bp about the white house forcing them to set up a $20 bn escrow account to compensate the victims of their fuck-up...
  16. abe23

    North korea is weird....

    Really funny, but totally fucked up...
  17. abe23

    North Korea

    Is there going to be a war?
  18. abe23

    Jesse Ventura

    This is awesome
  19. abe23


    Who likes this stuff? I've been using the cns17 grow and bloom in coco and I couldn't be happier. It's cheap at 25 bucks a gallon, easy to use and balances the coco's tendency to eat up Ca, Mg and P.
  20. abe23

    Five myths about immigration

    Five myths about immigratiion By Doris Meissner | Posted: Monday, May 3, 2010 12:00 am Despite the fact that we are a nation of immigrants — or perhaps because of it — immigration continues to be one of America's most contentious topics. The new law in Arizona authorizing police to arrest...