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  1. Vegetate


    Sorry so long to respond......I need to get through school first, but hell yeah I could use a sponser!!!! My thumbs are getting greener. I could be a big help.
  2. Vegetate

    Jaw Wired Shut: ::repost::

    If you shoot them both, then the money will go away and you will have taken an ass whippin for nothing
  3. Vegetate


    I'm thinking of immigrating to the BC area. Is there lots of work there for a Nurse?
  4. Vegetate


    The quality of education varies in each state. Some states are stupider than others. Everything in US is broken. I'm tired of the rich getting richer andthepoor poorer. US does not take care of their own.
  5. Vegetate


    Well, I don't smoke cigarettes or own any type of gun, can I still move there. I have been looking at Vancouver.
  6. Vegetate


    How do Canadians feel about American wanting to live there?
  7. Vegetate


    What things do you like and not like about your country?
  8. Vegetate


    I need a personal chat with a serious Canadian. I have questions that have nothing to do with growing weed.
  9. Vegetate

    Ever seen a stoned tank at the cop shop?

    My point exactly
  10. Vegetate

    What Can You Do With A Male

    disrespectful little punk. because usually young dumb asses like yourself f#$k it up for us old folks who want to smoke.
  11. Vegetate

    Ever seen a stoned tank at the cop shop?

    Lots of drunk tanks at Every jail, but amazingly not a single holding cell for people who are just too stoned to function in public. Yet weed is illegal. F*&^%ing amazing. It just blows me away.
  12. Vegetate

    John McCain

    Please never vote for John McCain. He is against medical marijuana. He does not think that weed has any theraputic value. This alone should point out how uninformed he is and how he is still influenced by yellow journalism. Even though he has many other flaws, this is the one pissing me off today.
  13. Vegetate

    passing an at home drug test

    I would like to correct myself. According to the bottle of XXtra Clean I have (always have one on hand for work) it does eliminate toxins from the body, does not bind it. It uses: Nettle, Ginseng, Gluconolactone, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Hawthorne Berry, Uva Ursi, Mullein Leaf, Stevia, and Fruit...
  14. Vegetate

    passing an at home drug test

    I don't know the exact terminology, but it binds it in your body some how.
  15. Vegetate

    passing an at home drug test

    Do Not Drink a ton of water. Like I aid before too much of a good thing will kill you. Drink above normal amounts, but not so much that you die. Google dying from drnking water and you will see.
  16. Vegetate

    passing an at home drug test

    Well from what I undestand is that THC is store in body fat. The detox does not rid it from your body but rather binds it in. You have a 4 hour window to piss clean then it unbinds and you will piss dirty. I believe thats how it works.
  17. Vegetate

    We need to pass this along to everyone

    ok that wasn't there a minute ago
  18. Vegetate

    An entire city dry

    Go Joe!!! I love him, he doesn't care who you are he will pop your ass. I love drivin by tent city seeing the f ups in there sweatin.
  19. Vegetate

    We need to pass this along to everyone

    WTF nothing there