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  1. S

    Which is better for anxiety? Sativa or Indica?

    Hey guys, I've been smoking pot for over 10 years now and have been a MMJ patient for little over a year and I keep getting mixed messages about which type, sativa or indica, is actually best for curing or helping anxiety. Through my experience, sativa dominant strains seem to help the best...
  2. S

    Is this a female or herm?

    The picture quality isn't great but i did the best I could with this cam I know its not a male because of the white hairs on the preflowers. But the location of the preflowers kinda concerns me. Tell me what you think
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    Will this light timer work for me?

    I'm thinking about buying this light timer off of ebay: "The timer is rated at 125VAC, 15A, 1875 Resistive Watts and comes with a 3 wire...
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    Using Pro-Mix with seedlings

    I was thinking about starting off with my usual mix that consists of Pro-mix, perlite (20%), worm castings (20%), dolomite lime (2%), guano (2%) and kelp meal (2%). Would this medium be too hot for sprouts?
  5. S

    Adding tap water to distilled?

    Would this help in any way? So far I have been using straight distilled with FF Grow Big as nutes. I think I might have some magnesium deficiency. I don't have a PPM meter at the moment so I don't know my tap's PPM. I was thinking of just adding like a cup or so of it to my nute solution...