Adding tap water to distilled?

Would this help in any way? So far I have been using straight distilled with FF Grow Big as nutes. I think I might have some magnesium deficiency.

I don't have a PPM meter at the moment so I don't know my tap's PPM. I was thinking of just adding like a cup or so of it to my nute solution.

Wouldn't this add calcium, magnesium and chlorine (and probably other beneficial stuff) to the nute solution?

Or should I keep using just distilled water and get some calmag or something else? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Would this help in any way? So far I have been using straight distilled with FF Grow Big as nutes. I think I might have some magnesium deficiency.

I don't have a PPM meter at the moment so I don't know my tap's PPM. I was thinking of just adding like a cup or so of it to my nute solution.

Wouldn't this add calcium, magnesium and chlorine (and probably other beneficial stuff) to the nute solution?

Or should I keep using just distilled water and get some calmag or something else? Thanks in advance.
I would say stick to the filtered/distilled water. At least you know its safe for your plants as is, and you know whats in it ;) lol

Thats just my opinion anyway, I don't use anything but distilled/filtered water.

Best Wishes--