Search results

  1. MrKhola

    Hey Zoidy! Hit me up man - would love to hear what you been up to. Just got me a source for...

    Hey Zoidy! Hit me up man - would love to hear what you been up to. Just got me a source for some proper OLD school Afghani Gold seal, the one with the afghan government seal on it and everything! So nice man brings back memories of England in the 90s! Got some little pest problems too and as...
  2. MrKhola

    OMG Zoidberg I gotta back in contact dude... You were the lowryder master back there for a while ;)

    OMG Zoidberg I gotta back in contact dude... You were the lowryder master back there for a while ;)
  3. MrKhola

    Small 'slug-trail' like necrosis and a few black fly- TIPS please for prevention! PIC

    Hello all, hasn't this place grown! A few of you old stoners may remember me from back in...ohhh 2008? I had great help with my problem then and proceeded to make a couple of good friends and contacts on the site- as well as my ghetto water hash technique! ANNYYWAAYY.. A small number of L.A...
  4. MrKhola

    Should I trim a few leaf tips in order to get flowers more light?

    Is there any more info on your grow? It's very Plant and situation specific so a little trim, or a basic bit of nip and tuck, can work wonders. Especially in a fast-growing scenario (see super-cropping etc). A very personal thing though. A little trim is best to start off with- but remember...
  5. MrKhola

    Simple hash pass. Make quality Water hash, free.

    Oh it is! :) Just a little fiddly and time consuming compared to expensive bubble-bags etc.. I've refined my technique a little now (3 yrs on!) but the basics are the same... Make the trich's nice n' 'stiff' with coldness and just remember THC/hash is non water-soluble.. Have tried many...
  6. MrKhola

    HELP NEEDED: Possible Pythium? (root rot) Burnt spots and darkening stem

    Indeed the stem thing was me panicking- while ago now... I've had strains since that have almost got little 'barbs' that grow near the base before it forms that kind of 'bark-like' layer on some big plants... As for the 'moistening of the stalk... maybe... maybe that bark-transition again...
  7. MrKhola

    lol -a large (tied ) Super Lemon Haze I got given (I usually make it a rule not to take on...

    lol -a large (tied ) Super Lemon Haze I got given (I usually make it a rule not to take on 'spare' plants from well meaning friends... unless clonage ofc :) ... had probs with the plant also but mainly due to re-vegging under glass for a month or so. Also got a real nice example of...
  8. MrKhola

    Fudgie... looks like an inside shot of his room dude... lights lowered, door pulled open, timers...

    Fudgie... looks like an inside shot of his room dude... lights lowered, door pulled open, timers or electrics (or something fancy!) bottom left... see it now? :) Nice little spot for a Garden
  9. MrKhola

    Anxiety and Depression

    Good old super silver haze helps me often, I've also heard that Strawberry cough is good in this area... have always wondered about the effects of CBD/CBN in this area too so interesting reading.. I'm lucky in that most good bud will help me to some extent or other... it's when it runs out...
  10. MrKhola

    Heya... bit late on my reply sry! (typical) I'm about halfway between Bournemouth and...

    Heya... bit late on my reply sry! (typical) I'm about halfway between Bournemouth and Salisbury mate... Beach on one side, stonehenge the other.... :) Sent u a friend if tht cool :)
  11. MrKhola

    Bournemouth/Salisbury is around my parts... though I'm 'safely' away in the sticks!

    Bournemouth/Salisbury is around my parts... though I'm 'safely' away in the sticks!
  12. MrKhola

    Jus' poppin by! Thx for the friend.... am returning to the boards soon so the more the merrier! :)

    Jus' poppin by! Thx for the friend.... am returning to the boards soon so the more the merrier! :)
  13. MrKhola

    Vanilla Kush... OR... Super Lemon Haze?

    Im growing a straight lemon Haze (i think) atm and have had to put it into extended Veg outside as it was getting massive... really nice growth rate but hard to grow in doors in this instance... I guess if mine is 'regular' lemon haze the super will be a little less hassle with extra indica...
  14. MrKhola

    Hiya :) noticed that you too were also from the rather rural part of our little Island! Im...

    Hiya :) noticed that you too were also from the rather rural part of our little Island! Im slap bang in the new forest and no other 'like-minded' smokers for miles... It's a sad situation with UK weed in alot of places atm anyway, hit me up if you wanna swap some smoke, stories or seeds!
  15. MrKhola

    Wow! this place has changed! Great job! Astranged member finds his way back!

    Wow.. i have to say well done to the guys... this place is certainly looking great and a complete shock to log on... So In my usual excessively late way I've returned and can't wait to (attempt) to catch up with what's been going on... (Argh... my pics are embarassing now :) )
  16. MrKhola

    Claw-like tips, curling.. Pics and good info

    Oh btw I have had no colouring problems and have had none. not a single yellow tip, or incorrect shade of green.... Just still the curls. It may be a little better- growth leaves that had curl now dont. I've seen it a good few times before on a smaller scale and it's just evened out after a...
  17. MrKhola

    Claw-like tips, curling.. Pics and good info

    Thanks guys... confirmed suspicions. I was also thinking about the sub 0.C temps in britain recently and their effect- but I've grown outdoors in some atrocious conditions so know how hardy our faviorate plant is! I think my problem here was I used a new soil for my mix this time that was...
  18. MrKhola

    Claw-like tips, curling.. Pics and good info

    Hi- been a while since I've dropped by and boy this place has had a make-over! Anyhow to buisness. Since moving to indoor after my plant theft I've had 4 or 5 successful runs. A decade of growing outdoor certainly helped and I've had a good success rate so far (most importantly some big nugs)...
  19. MrKhola

    Massive list of genetics!

    I certainly haven't- but it sounds tasty and I'm looking for a strain to choose for my first Kush grow. I'm batting down the hatches and rationing for Xmas now. I have a few puny Dieselryder (decided Im not an auto fan) for new Year and then onto Trainwreck and more Nebula and Silver Haze for...
  20. MrKhola

    whats better purp or white rhino??

    you will grow a better bud with white rhino purple haze you have to know what ur doing to get the proper sticky plus rhino willbe quicker by month