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  1. K

    video double whammy.

    I thought this was an OUTDOOR tread oh yea it is Beat it with your indoor crap
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    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    How would you do really large amounts, I have way to much for jars but want a great cure. Great post thanks
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    Central Coast Guerilla Grow with Video

    Try it now it should be public :mrgreen:
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    Central Coast Guerilla Grow with Video

    It’s been raining the last few days so not much growth, but there looking good and healthy, I wish I had 80 and 90 degree weather I would have some real monsters, we do what we can with the weather we got. I hope everyone enjoys week 10, and thanks for staying tuned in, and please give me your...
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    I'm going to use the 42

    I'm going to use the 42
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    Central Coast Guerilla Grow with Video

    Thanks lets hope so.:mrgreen:
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    Central Coast Guerilla Grow with Video

    Hillbilly you through a rock over yonder way and I’ll be coming for that shine.:mrgreen: Two hillbillies walk into a restaurant. While having a bite to eat, they talk about their moonshine operation. Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough. After a...
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    :leaf:Indoor-Outdoor grow journal-lots of good pics

    Str8 Smokin I like your grow, you got some crazy indoor going, I’ll be staying tune in.:mrgreen:
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    Central Coast Guerilla Grow with Video

    Thanks everyone for all the kind words and taking the time to watch the video, I will defiantly post a week 10 video, so stay tuned in and you better get your popcorn ready, and a big :joint: fatty. :mrgreen:
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    Central Coast Guerilla Grow with Video

    Thanks Veggiegardener for taking the time to watch my video
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    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    veggiegardener I started a thread with video of my grow this year would you mind taking a look and giving me your thoughts, It's Central Coast Guerilla Grow
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    Central Coast Guerilla Grow with Video

    We got a late start this year or they would be alot bigger, Here we go!!! Week 9 2010 Grow, let me know what you think :mrgreen:
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    why don't you start a thread for us to post our pics and vids

    why don't you start a thread for us to post our pics and vids
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    To build or Buy a greenhouse???

    I hate indoor, but your setup is bad ass, right on. why buy it when you can do it your self, and then even take more pride in what you grow, you don't buy weed you grow it, so why buy a greehouse build it youself.
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    What's this bs about indoor hydro weed being superior to outdoor/green house weed???

    I love outdoor because you can truly grow organic, something you can’t do indoors.
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    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    I thought turkey bags were plastic, and thank you fdd2blk for taking the time toanswering my question.
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    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    How do you cure a very large amount with out using plastic
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    I googled Tom Hill and I have to say veggie I’m not that impressed, a waist of my time.
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    Hodge who is Tom Hill? Week 7 is on it's way
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    Hodge your girls look nice and chunky just the way I lik'em, I’m jealous. I will be sending a week 5 update soon