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  1. mellokitty


    my sunflower sprouts were getting too tall for the domes, so i took them out and put them on a separate tray. the damn cat ate them last night. :cuss:bad kitty! bad kitty! :cuss:
  2. mellokitty

    roses and other strangeness

    both of my roses are still actively (well, not so actively anymore but still) developing flowers. 2 clematises are still in bloom. there are raspberries ripening (small ones, and very slowly but not up and dying). i see outdoor floribunda roses in full bloom all over town, my landscaper friend...
  3. mellokitty

    Square Foot Gardening

    thinking of trying it this year instead of rows....... any tips?
  4. mellokitty

    The 10-letter Word Game

    so we've all felt the sting of the "10 character limit" right? recently, i've taken to using random 10-letter words to make up the difference. good brain exercise too. i'll start: testicular antithesis frostiness philosophy tiddlywink
  5. mellokitty

    i have probable cause to believe....

    .... that the thing clogging up the toilet is, in fact, a hot wheels toy. ......*sigh*
  6. mellokitty

    My role as a Junior Mod. Nice to meet you all.

    i'm sticky-ing this thread temporarily just so folks get a chance to read it: hello there, my name is mellokitty and i've just been added to the moderator team of the "grow journal" section. some of you already know me, the majority of you, probably not. i just wanted to introduce myself...
  7. mellokitty

    Preserving The Fruits Of Our Labor

    figured the garden thread could use a thread about .... preserving. (it's getting to be that time around here.) anybody else pickle/jam/dry/jar/etc.? let's share what we've done with the summer harvest! this week, my garden buddy and i have made: -waaaaaay too many "dilly beans" (the spicy...
  8. mellokitty

    kitty's flower garden part 2

    i've had a rather embarrassing fiasco where i fiddled a little bit with my flickr account and a bunch of pics disappeared out of my garden thread. :blush: please bear with me as i start with a brief recap....
  9. mellokitty

    16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

    thank you for joining in, i felt that a fresh grow deserved a fresh journal. a couple of room shots: a brief synapsis: the girls are og kush from clone: for our veg, we are running: 2 x 12 bulb t5 badboy 1 x 8 bulb t5 badboy 2 x 1kw mh (we were running 1 mh and 1 hps, but the...
  10. mellokitty

    Chronic Crafts

    so i posted this in another art thread already, but it was a 'drawing' thread, and it occurred to me that there *must* be other crafters around here. knitting is my first love, followed a close second by crocheting, and then sewing (but not patchwork. <- maybe in another decade i'll have the...
  11. mellokitty

    RIU Ladies' Lounge?

    so... between the obvious minority of womenfolk on riu and the fact that one of the levels of seniority is called "mr. ganja", i as a female member of RIU am starting to feel a bit marginalised... i'm sorry i know how most dudes *love* that word.... (i have friends in radical feminist circles...
  12. mellokitty

    City Uses Beneficial Bugs as Pesticide

    there is a movement of municipalities in my province to ban cosmetic pesticides, and some of the cities are getting on board with beneficial bugs. the city of langley is using a product called "aphidend" which is midge fly larvae in a natural carrier - i thought this might be interesting to...
  13. mellokitty

    Kitty's Garden 2011

    it is officially *time* and kitty is busy playing in the dirt.... this year's veggies (in no particular order): spinach - vancouver and king of denmark broccoli - west coast, raab, and natalino (natalino is the weirdest-looking broc i've ever seen, i'm growing it more out of curiosity than...
  14. mellokitty

    Pure Cocoa Butter

    BOOYAH just sourced pure food-grade organic cocoa butter and it's not going to cost me an arm and a leg, or my firstborn! does anybody have any experience/pointers on cocoa butter extraction? and what would YOU do with the end product? also: the same supplier also carries blocks of stearic...
  15. mellokitty

    Things You Can't Say On Facebook....

    i'll start: a couple i vaguely know..... (they've been engaged as long as i've known them): 2 hrs ago - both happily playing fb games 1 hr ago - the dude goes from 'engaged' to 'it's complicated' 40 min ago - the chick starts editing him out of her info page 20 min ago - both 'single' the...
  16. mellokitty

    Shade Plant Help?

    i have a shady spot that went naked last year because i don't know much about shade plants. i just bought a bag of lily of the valley 'bulbs', and it says it's a shade plant. my question: JUST HOW shady does it want? is a couple of hours of direct sun in the afternoon okay, or will it make...
  17. mellokitty

    Vanilla Beans

    *so excited* bought my first vanilla beans today. already have lots of butter in the freezer. have no idea what i'm going to do with them, i hear the sky is the limit with these things. what would YOU do? :)
  18. mellokitty

    Mellokitty's Mellow Medigrow

    apologies in advance for the spotty photodocumentation - i must remember to take more pictures. it just *feels *weird*.... you know? it's been a long, hard, build. code compliance is a pain in the butt. good thing my man loves me.the girls finally had to come home from being babysat - they are a...
  19. mellokitty

    greetings from the canna-dian wet coast

    west coast grrrrl, living the cannalife for over half my life now. (yeesh!) my wonderful man is on the last legs of building our first medishow, this is a big change for us (famous quote: "up to code takes so much longer! geez!"). looking forward to sharing and learning.