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  1. Gutter

    "RAW" Tobacco seeds

    Burley 21 go!
  2. Gutter

    Why dry San Pedro

    Ok so I have a freind who decided to cut up and dry his san pedro. This is of course to increse potency, like any other dried alkaloid containing plant. But I was wandering how much this actually increases it.
  3. Gutter

    Stoner Snake

    So I let my snake get a wiff of some herb today, and it went ape shit on me and snapped at me when I put him down and shit. Anyone else witha snake that used to straight toke with it all the time?
  4. Gutter

    San Pedro Drought time

    Can anyone help me out with a length of time to drought a san Predro for potency. Tried looking, couldnt find anything other then to drought it, and I already know this soo yea....please =)
  5. Gutter


    Ok, I'm sure someone has posted this before, but I didnt see it. So I'm interested in the use of Hydrangea. A lot say it has cyanide in it. And I only have one account of a person actually trying it(smoked a blunts worth) and said it was chill. It has medicinal uses, but that doesnt mean it has...
  6. Gutter

    San Pedro Flowering question

    Are San Predro's more potent when they are flowering. Someone told me that how you know they have reached full maturity and the alkaloids are only ready/more powerful then.
  7. Gutter

    PSyCheDelic RevoLuTion

    So I feel a psychedelic revolution coming on. anyone else? Pretty sure, this close to 2012, the government wont be able to stop all the hippies.
  8. Gutter

    Family GUY!!!!!

    Ok so everone has seen the one with Meg and Louis going to spring break, well I've seen it like hella times, and this version is different tonight, adult swim watch, then get bakck to me.
  9. Gutter

    The word "HOT"

    Ok so like wtf! When I first started looking at internet porn I was in like middle school right, well I remember when I used to be able to type "hot ?????" in on google, and porn would just come up. But oh now, being years later, I type it in and fuckin bs comes up. Hot......Means smokin babe...
  10. Gutter

    Genetically engineered plants

    So Scientists can gentically engineer our corn, our grains, animals, and a lot of other plants. So my question is, why havnt we created like the ultimate marijuana plant. We could alter the THC and Cannabinol levels, add LSA, DMT, and other natural occuring psychoactive chemicals. It is kinda...
  11. Gutter

    TheScienceFictionofEdgarAllanPoe or

    Phule's Company. I have to read one of these. Which one is better?
  12. Gutter


    Ok so I'm posting on this category because I want to know from the advanced marijuana cultivators. Ok so I am trying to decide wether I should flush my plants or not. Can anyone help me out to why I should or shouldnt?
  13. Gutter

    LSA extraction

    Ok so I have about 100+ morning glory seeds, and I've done an extraction like once, and I ended up falling asleep so idk if it worked or not hehe. I boiled some watter, but i didnt have time to wait so i put the seeds in when it was warm. Idk i felt hella rushed and it sucked, so this is the...
  14. Gutter

    high pressure sodium lights

    Why use them? Are they better in certain stage of the plant?
  15. Gutter

    Cloning questions

    So I have taken two clones off my main plant and am using only water to root it. I was wandering two things. While Im waiting for the roots to sprout, can I put them under the same light as my main plant? or does it need like partial light or something. My other question is, would it work...
  16. Gutter


    Does water hide the smell of herb from dogs? Like put the weed in something then like wrap it in something. Then put it in a water bottle? Would that work?
  17. Gutter

    Lambs Bread

    This is so far my favorite, anyone ever heard of it?
  18. Gutter

    Best Shrooms In FL

    Wheres the best place to go mushroom hunting in Florida?
  19. Gutter

    Nutes question

    Ok so I got these plants and im pretty sure i need to add some nutes sooooo i got: 4-2-2 36-6-6 Then a random one =0 So anyone wanna help??
  20. Gutter

    Does Kanye represent you? F@CK NO!

    Kanye West said he is the voice of this generation.......................:wall: WTF! Kanye mutha fuckin West claims HE is the voice of this generation :clap: He's trippin balls! I personally though when i heard this, that it was extremely untrue and it's hellarious to actually believe that...