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  1. Q

    Pale green/yellow baby plant

    This is about 3 weeks old plant. It was planted in to miracle-gro organic soil for first 2 weeks and had barely grew and the first set of leaves started to turn yellow. She was replanted to bigger pot, with mixed soil. 40% Miracle gro Organic 40% Worm Casting compost 20% Miracle gro perlite. The...
  2. Q

    Help, Plant is looking worse and worse every day

    My baby is on week 5 of 12/12 and it's getting worse and worse. I have posted before on the related note: about a week ago and I was suggested that it is an N deficiency. I brewed an AACT to feed her, but...
  3. Q

    Something is going on 4 weeks into flower - leafs diening

    Hi guys, This started about a week ago, the bottom leafs started to dry out and fall off. I was not too concern at first as those were the most bottom small leafs. But this behavior seems to progress. The bottom leafs start to yellow, then they dry and then die and fall off the plant. I use...
  4. Q

    CFL Spectrum vs Watts during flowering??

    I am wondering is it better to have less 2700K spectrum bulbs(lights) or it's better to have more total watts but majority of the bulbs being in 6500K spectrum?
  5. Q

    Top leafs are turning pale green

    Hi there, The plant is in about 3 weeks in to 12/12 and the top leafs are getting pale green compared to the older leafs which are dark green. Some leafs are still darkish green on the tips. So I assume the pale effect is starting from the base of the leaf. I have looked over plants issue...
  6. Q

    Organic cheap nutes solution

    Can anybody give me an advice on a cheap organic nutes? I was reading few compost tea recipes on this board and found out that most components are fairly tough to find around my area and their total cost is quite high and even more when shipping is added. I have somewhat easy access to few...
  7. Q

    Small plant, Yellow tips, Should I be worried?

    The plant is about 2 weeks old, and the first set of leafs is getting little bit yellowish from the tips. Should I be worried? I believe the soil might be somewhat too "hot" for the baby, its 2.1-.16-.05 SeaSoil. Should I re-pot it mixing the soil with some perlite? Or it's better to leave it...
  8. Q

    PH 6.2 or 6.8?

    My PH strips can only measure water PH as 6.2, 6.8 and 7+. Having this limitation do you suggest using water with PH 6.2 or 6.8. I am growing in organic soil. Thanks.
  9. Q

    Organic Soil and Fertilizing

    Hi there I was reading a bunch about Nutrients/Fertilizing and I am totally confused now :-/ I got organic SeaSoil original soil which consist of: Organic Matter: 67.96% Maximum Moisture: 57.8% Total Nitrogen 2.1% Available Phosphoric Acid (P205): 0.16% Soluble...