Top leafs are turning pale green


Hi there,

The plant is in about 3 weeks in to 12/12 and the top leafs are getting pale green compared to the older leafs which are dark green. Some leafs are still darkish green on the tips. So I assume the pale effect is starting from the base of the leaf. I have looked over plants issue threads and I think this might be iron deficiency, but taking in consideration my non existent experience I would like somebody more experienced opinion.




Well-Known Member
Thats right, some strains during early flowering have pale new growth ,they adjust then flower as usual. Dont change any thing maybe raise the lights a little untill they appear greener.


Thanks all, I might be a little paranoid, but I think the pale green was taking a bigger area for last three days. Never the less I will just water as usual and raise lights a little bit. Hopefully this is all to it.

Thanks all again.


Well-Known Member
Another thing, what are the temps? its getting warmer outside so its getting warmer in the room, too hot will also cause this yellowing of new growth and that is an issue. 80 max


Temp in the room seems to be okay, I never seen it go above 28C. But your guess might be on the right track, I am using bigger bulbs for the flowering stage and the canopy might be getting hotter. I raised the bulbs about an inch, hopefully this will help.


Well-Known Member
btw i just noticed your using those plug-in light sockets too. just started using some, great for throwing a bulb up anywhere, and cheap! good idea with the velcro. .


Well-Known Member
I would add a bit more N at this stage although your plants aren't deficient.
It would help the plant to keep storage once it goes into full blast flowering.