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  1. tittikaka27

    CANNABIS Political Poster

    hello everyone it new for me to post my art, its usually pretty personal, but i just wanted the cannabis community to see this project, give feed back, maybe even replocate it and spread it around. i was asked by my college to do a political poster of my choice, so its pretty obvious...
  2. tittikaka27

    Early Sample Harvest: Couldn't Wait!!!

    ive had it up to here with london's terrible skunk problem. i've come to my last resort after not being able to find anything decent, (the stuff i just bought i would swear is sprayed or unflushed and tasted shit and doesnt get me high) i have finally surcome to temptation and sampled a few...
  3. tittikaka27

    light wont work

    i just woke up and my light was off, im a week away from harvest and begining to panic because i cant get it to come on again, ive tried changing the bulb but it still wont work, 250 w HPS / MHL E40 base let me know if you need anymore info im just scared its going to be expensive many...
  4. tittikaka27

    how much stress does it take.... turn females that have been flowering into hermie? my plants are about 2 weeks old and are looking bella i had to move my girls around to arrange them better in my closet. i waited a bit to long veging and forgot to FIM a few and they have grown considerably. i decided to lean them...
  5. tittikaka27

    is this a hermaphrodite

    i see pistols but also balls, or is it undeveloped female pods? would love to know for sure before i cut it/him down
  6. tittikaka27

    green light

    so cannabis plants cannot see green light? would a green see through plastic be good at concealing light from outside, would it convrt the light to green light?
  7. tittikaka27

    Sad News: Albert Hoffman (discovered LSD) Has Died

    i suggest you take a tab in honor. if your like me and cannot take LSD anymore, smoke a really phat doobie of you prize nugs and think about the infulence of phychedelics and its culture :joint: Albert Hofmann has passed away today - Bluelight
  8. tittikaka27

    Timer/ Contactor problem

    ive been having alot of trouble getting my timer to work with my light, ive allready bought 2, and then found out that i needed a contactor, so i just bought a 250w one and plugged it into the second timer i bought. the problem is that it wont switch off, even if you switch off the timer...
  9. tittikaka27

    first grow need advice, maybe heat stress

    hey this is my first real grow and i need a little advice, i think its heat stress the pics:
  10. tittikaka27

    first proper grow: Blue Cheese & Belladonna

    im finally posting up my grow because i need some advice, about 4 of the plants they have been in a 24 hour light cycle since they have sprouted. some of the taller plants look like they are suffering from heat stress, i added a computer fan and moved them farther away. i also do not have a...
  11. tittikaka27

    Other Sensimilla Plants

    what plants, other than cannabis are harvested without seeds to raise desirability, quality and yield etc? ive only heard sensimilla being referred to marijuana only and searching it on google brings up load of mj and seedbank info but nothing on other sensimilla crops
  12. tittikaka27

    grew 1 plant untill flower and is a male so...

    the only thing i can think of is make a nice mixed salad ala hemp leaf and maybe a hemp oil dressing...why not add in some blue lotus flowers and salvia leaves for a sage herb zing. wait, lets add some poppy and hemp seeds, and wild rocket...well thats all my very blazed mind can think to honour...
  13. tittikaka27

    hello everyone...just planted my germinated seeds...did i kill the seeds if

    ...i accidently let the top soil dry out as it was very close to the light, its been about 24 h and im waiting for them to sprout...if they get to dry dont they die?:confused: getting a little paranoid im a complete newbie...just i had one plant before to test out my grow and he turned out to...