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  1. Stonerssidekick

    Anxiety Attacks!

    I use to smoke a ton when i was younger and had no problem with anxiety attacks, over the last year i have had really bad panic attacks when ever i smoke to the point of feeling like im gonna die or have a heart attack, is there any strains that are really good with anxiety?
  2. Stonerssidekick

    What do you think?

    So being a resident of a state where "Medicinal Marijuana" is legal, I have looked into the laws surrounding the new "Legalization" of marijuana and became worried, Do you think that the legalization will affect people getting there cards? Because i feel like most doctors are going to see it as...
  3. Stonerssidekick

    honey, can you wake up and pass the bong.

    just read 40 pages on a thread and my brains dead. name your funniest couple or friend high moment. i can only imagine the things im gonna hear:):joint:
  4. Stonerssidekick

    read now or forever hold your pee

    does marijuana effect someone's sex drive to the extent that someone would just not have sex all together? my boyfriend is an all day everyday user, and im a like 4 out of 7 day user, could it be the green?
  5. Stonerssidekick

    new to this place

    looking for someone to chat with! so hit me up!