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  1. 2sheds

    Cheese: all this time I thought we were just friends.

    Among the vagaries of life, I never noticed her. She's just been around, she appears in a large pickle jar occasionally, the same dna as her mother and her mother before that, a plain plant, short and a bit overweight. But something happened, she was just lying there, just enough for me and...
  2. 2sheds

    Pollinating One Bud Per Plant; A Query

    Howdy, new to this section. I have some Haw. Sku. Hz pollen. I want to dab a bud from a few strains with it, one bud per plant. A Cheese, a S.A.G.E. & Sour, a Fruit Punch. Is this a proper thing to do in a flower closet (carefully)? Not a commerc. grow, so a few unexpected seeds not a...
  3. 2sheds

    Cancer and Cannabis

    So it's not allowed, growing, smoking. They prefer we take oxy or vikes. They don't help with nausea, but they make ya grind yer teeth and feel great. Actually, I salivate over pain meds, and become nuts with euphoria and ruin my life. So against the tide, I smoke and stay away from opiates...
  4. 2sheds

    Best 6" Carbon Filter, Hands Down.

    I need a new one. The one I have is done, over, washed up. It is this one: GrowBright Pure Flow 6 Tall Boy Filter. I would like anyone's opinion on what brand and where to get the best 6 inch by about 2 foot cannister, all the other stuff is academic: It worked for a few months, yes I...
  5. 2sheds

    So I dug a deep deep hole

    within the electric fenced garden that we aren't into this year (house partner 12 years died, gf diagnosed B cancer, me Pro. cancer). Only a few tomatoes, etc. A tall weed with white flowers has taken the un-tilled space. Within that cover, I dug 2 holes, put in 7 gallon pots with compost and...
  6. 2sheds

    My Carbon Filter Sucks.

    Howdy. It is vented to the outside, 6 inch tubing, short run, and under my deck. I walk out there and the smells are huge. It is actually ruining my life. So I saw something where a guy said wrap the first foot with saran wrap and that made sense, but didn't work. I am thinking of reversing...
  7. 2sheds

    Chemo Patient, Hydro vs. Soil

    Hello, my woman friend here started chemo this week. She was OK for the first days after the first 5 hour drip, but they gave her a shot Thursday and she is in hell, and she only has me and I am burnt, man. I had to watch some Steven Segal on youtube to center myself. It's true, it worked. So...
  8. 2sheds

    Afgh. Kush Auto, or what.

    Got one free seed w/ an order from a seed bank that ripped me off, I'll call them Phuk Off seed bank. Anyway, what is this monster? It was supposed to be an afgh. Kush, my first auto. It started flowering mid July, it's 7 foot tall, the brackets are huge, the hairs are all done, the 'seed...