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  1. GiGalo

    Hempy Bucket

    I'm sure this could method could be adapted but the basics are definitely in this article. I do not use this mehtod, I am just posting this because I could not find any real article on this method here at rollitup, just references to the method. If an article exists here, then I apologize for...
  2. GiGalo

    Drip system

    Noob here, I started some seedlings and they are all reacting differently. I have some that the stalks are shrinking to nothing and the plant falls over and dies. I have others that are getting yellow spots in the middle of the leaves, and other ones that are just not growing much at all and...
  3. GiGalo


    I have a plant that has been growing strong all season, and when the flowering stage hit the new flowers and leave tips were dark purple. This problem has only been geting worse as more flowers come. I thought at first it might be a phospherous defieciency, but as I read about this defieciency I...