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  1. I

    So the count is in, 18..

    So I did the count, 18 main colas, and that is AFTER I cleaned her up and took off a bunch of the larfy stuff.
  2. I

    So,I was watching this video......

    It kinda brings up a lot of concerns. Like how do we know if anything is legit or the strain its suppose to be.Like this is a Genetics company sayin this. Is there anywhere that those of us who cant afford hundreds on seeds can trust to at least get the the Strain we think we are getting? Like...
  3. I

    What does it mean?

    So, I think I actually have something going wrong! What does it mean when the leaves start going lighter yellow starting from the stem up the leaf?
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    Does this look like Indica or Sativa to yall?

    So, this is suppose to be a Sativa, yet when I look up the leaves for sativa they look nothing like this, what do you guys and gals think based on appearence, is this Indica or Sativa? Its an auto, so I know it has some rudaralis genes in there.
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    Need a little advice on Reversing an Autoflower plant.

    So, I have colloidal silver 500ppm, And I want to reverse one of my new sprouts to produce pollen(finally got two more seeds to sprout). These are Autoflower mexican red Hair Sativa. I am fairly sure I have the method down, but im having a hard time finding information on What age to start...
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    Nutrient question.

    I am running the following nutrient solution, about two tablespoons black strap molasses(feeding the mycos), 4g Megacrop 1 part nutrient, and 1/2 ounce Safer Gro Humax Liquid humic Acid in One gallon of water. Media is peat, coco coir and Vermuclite. Strain is Mexican Red Hair Sativa...
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    LST am I doin this shit right?

    Started LST on my plant, Am I doing this right?
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    Houston I have a problem...

    So, I am running Drain to waste. I checked the tent today, and I found THIS. Mind you its only ON the pot at this point, What do I do? How do I get Rid of it with something that is Common in the household? I ask for common DIY because I cant Afford to buy anything else.
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    How Fucked Am I?

    So, I had my tent open, Putting in my DIY co2 generator(sugar wash and yeast) and I went to the other room to grab the yeast. My Cat BIT the top node off my damn plant!! She about met her end tonight not gonna lie. She Bit the damn center right outta the damn plant!!!! So, As the title says...
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    Estimated time frame?

    How long do seeds take to pop and show a tap root doing the soak and paper towel method? I decided to try it since I have been having issues with my seeds popping direct in soil.
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    Great sale for all those with money. Year end clearence for all those with money seeds up to 50% off.
  12. I

    Dumb light question?

    The following questions are for Auto Flowers. Can too high of a PPFD, Such as 770 over a 14 day old plant Slow the growth? Like it makes sense that too little light would slow growth, but can to much light also slow growth?
  13. I

    this a trusted site? As in do they actually send you seeds when you order? < trusted or no? Just need to know if you actually get the seeds when you order?
  14. I

    How long?

    Ok, I soak my seeds in a 25% Humic Acid Solution over night, then plant directly into the media in the final pot that they will grow in. That said, and Using that method, How long would you wait on a seed to break the surface of the soil before you give up and call that seed a Dud? Lots of...
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    Anyone tried these? Anyone use their products? Carbon Based Ferts, Suppose to be cutting edge, just wondered if anyone has tried them and what your results were?
  16. I

    Wasnt sure where to put this?

    Anyone know of any Cannabis strains without myrcene? Appearently that is what gives you couch lock, which is exactly what I do not want.Of course, the strain I am growing right now has it. FML
  17. I

    lets see what reaction I get to this.....

    Let me first say, I vote blue, tho, if I am honest, NONE of them are far enough left for me, a few Like AOC, Bernie Sanders, and The Squad are Close, and the next statement DOES NOT apply to them, but DOES apply to all the rest of the elected Dems AND GOP. I look at voting like this, Pick the...
  18. I

    ok ok ok, I has a Seedling!!!!!

    One of my two seedlings has broke the surface!!! I know its hard to see with all my vermuculite but she is out of the soil!!! Ok so now question, I am running a blend of Coco coir, Peat most and Vermuclite, so a pretty inert media, How long to wait till my first feeding of a very mild nute...
  19. I

    Silly Newbie question

    Does Tricome color have any actual effect on the type of high? I saw somewhere, the clear tricomes were more of a energizing head high with less risk of couch lock,and that the more cloudy/amber the more couch lock body high. Any truth to this from yall's personal expirence?
  20. I

    Temp questions

    Ok so I have done the "research" and now I want to ask the people who actually grow in a home setting. I have my seeds in the soil waiting on them to sprout. More info is this, I know the Ideal temp range is 68 to about 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and warmer durning germination, But the lowest i...