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  1. TJ Watch

    Act Compost Tea - My Overview

    Mulch, or maybe some clover or something? A cover crop?
  2. TJ Watch

    Outdoor Gorrilla Glue#4

    after much searching, i found a few comments saying GG4 can have a heavy yield. But it wasn't clear if they meant outdoor....
  3. TJ Watch

    Act Compost Tea - My Overview

    I'm thinking repeated fresh waves of good micro-organisms will indeed compete and eat all the food, meaning 1000 good guys vs. each bad guy, and then a few days later we do it again. And sure, each wave leaves behind some good nutes... but mainly, the bad guys never have a chance. But I don't...
  4. TJ Watch

    Act Compost Tea - My Overview

    It might take three seasons to get perfect soil if you really know what you're doing. But even with perfect soil, I think flooding the soil with good microbes denies food and space to the bad ones. That's what I've read... so its not just nutrition...
  5. TJ Watch

    Act Compost Tea - My Overview

    Aerated Composted Tea not only provides good microbes, bacteria and fungi, who feed the plants, but those microbes also occupy the space and consume the food that would otherwise encourage bad microbes and larger pests. I have no experience using ACTs, but here is what I've found from googling...
  6. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    On a 107 degree day in late august, 10 gallons was good for 2 days. I never needed more than 10G for any 2 days. I've used 5G on three consecutive days a few times.
  7. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    this is my 3rd year, first organic
  8. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    Wait, you give a 4 gallon pot six gallons of water on hot days?
  9. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    I think I could dilute with another 2 gallons, and give another 3 gallons on an off day. If they need more water then I may need more tea.
  10. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    A mix of fine compost and aged forest bark, plus Pumice, Crustacean Meal, Kelp Meal, Fishbone Meal, Bat Guano and other premium ingredients.
  11. TJ Watch

    looking for ideas on how to conceal my small outdoor grow this year

    Green tarps on the fence? Climbing vines that get thick? Park the van in front of the garden?
  12. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    Something like this?
  13. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    So, every 3 days, each plant gets 2/3 of a gallon of tea plus a gallon of water. I could have just said that, sorry. Then they skip a day, and then another gallon of water on the 3rd day.
  14. TJ Watch

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees-Sized Plants

    Please check my thinking here.... This plan is "general" to help me check my understanding of the compost tea process. I know I'll have to make daily adjustments based on weather, plants, etc. Assume I'm growing 18 outdoor trees in 100-gallon soil bags, with lots of pumice etc. I want a 3-day...
  15. TJ Watch

    Earth Juice for Outdoor Trees?

    Right, for this season I need confidence, so I'm willing to spend a bit.
  16. TJ Watch

    Earth Juice for Outdoor Trees?

    I'm thinking of using the EJ products for my grow this summer. I'm using 100-gallon bags with a loamy, balanced compost. This will be my first organic grow. I have the information from the website. I'll add Azomite for the minerals. Does anyone have any advice for me? THANKS!