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  1. EarthBow

    This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

    The energy savings are just a small part of it, really. I think it's overall a better quality of light (spectrum-wise) too, and where I live, the lower heat is better. Having said that, I'm not convinced the lights I have are providing the ideal spectrum. Then again, I'm not all that concerned...
  2. EarthBow

    This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

    Yeah, fair enough. It's probably closer than I thought. If you live in Cali and pay closer to .30 or .35 per kwh, then it seems like LEDs might be the way to go, especially when you factor in the cost of the additional AC to make up for extra heat of the HIDs. I'm paying .17 per kwh, but then...
  3. EarthBow

    This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

    Not as I described, no, but i do run LEDs in flowering.
  4. EarthBow

    This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

    I'm not an LED salesman, so I'm not trying to convince anyone to make the switch. If you can make use of the additional heat, then HID is probably right for you. Let's crunch some numbers just for the hell of it... Let's say a 300 watt LED is roughly the equivalent (in light output) of a 600...
  5. EarthBow

    Novice Grower Needing Starting Advice PLEASE:)

    One more question... do you have anyone living with you that doesn't like the fact that you grow? Someone, for example, who might poison your plants because you refuse to listen to reason? Just askin'.
  6. EarthBow

    Novice Grower Needing Starting Advice PLEASE:)

    Boiling will kill any microbes, but won't remove contaminates. The ceramic filters have 2 layers: the outside layer is ceramic, and the inside layer is activated charcoal. These will physically remove just about anything. I use them every day to filter my drinking water, and they make a HUGE...
  7. EarthBow

    Novice Grower Needing Starting Advice PLEASE:)

    With only 5' of vertical space, flower when they are smaller so they don't grow into the light at the end. At the least, let the tap water sit out in an open container for a day or 2 so the chlorine will gas off. A lot pf people use reverse osmosis filters, which work great, but there are...
  8. EarthBow

    This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

    Bingo. Commercial growers shouldn't be all that concerned with grams per watt because grams are worth so much more than kilowatt hours. A better metric for commercial growers is yield per square foot. LEDs have much higher up front costs, but much lower operating costs. With HID, you have to...
  9. EarthBow

    This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

    Watt for watt, LEDs produce less heat and more light than HID bulbs. At any given wavelength and frequency, LED photons carry exactly the same energy as photons produced by any other source... plants can't tell the difference. Used correctly, LEDs can out-perform HID in yield and in quality on...
  10. EarthBow

    Wtf why are the hairs already going brown ?!

    I wouldn't worry about the color of the hairs... it's a female plant, chicks change hair color all the time. Go by the color of the heads of the trichomes, and by what kind of high you're looking for. Harvesting when most of the heads are fully developed but still clear will give you less of a...
  11. EarthBow

    This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

    No, 210 watts won't give you the output of 1,000 watts. However, if LEDs are 60% efficient and HID is 30% efficient, you will still be putting out more light per watt with LEDs and wasting more of your energy as heat with HIDs. Two other factors come into play... LEDs usually concentrate...
  12. EarthBow

    Do I Need to Get New Soil?

    Bags of soil can pick up pests anywhere... in the warehouse, at the hydro store, on your patio. You can't just throw it away because it MIGHT have a few bugs in it. Well, you can, but it would be kinda goofy. Use it. If you develop a problem, learn how to deal with it if and when it manifests...
  13. EarthBow

    Ridiculous and need some off

    Nobody steals from me... I don't allow it. Not a penny, not a seed, not a drop of water. I have zero tolerance for thieves. I won't say exactly what I would do, but it would be brutal and he would never rip me again. Get some friends together and go get your money.
  14. EarthBow

    4 x 4 vs 5 x 5 Grow Tent?

    I think bigger is generally better. If you don't pack the bigger tent with plants, you will have better air circulation. If you do pack it, you will have more plant. How long are your arms? The only real downside to a 5x5 is it can make it harder to reach some of the plants. This is especially...
  15. EarthBow

    Can I breed by combining a regular seed with a feminised seed?

    Males have XY chromosomes, females XX. When breeders force a female to go hermaphrodite, it produces pollen and pollinates itself, but still only has XX chromosomes, so all the seeds are females. The plants produced from these seeds are normal females, and can be bred to any male. The resulting...
  16. EarthBow

    LED Light Strips (Tapes)

    I'm thinking about making a scrog screen out of them. Yeah, trying to make a growlight out of them would suck... IF you hung it 24" from the plant. But (I say again) a 1/4 watt LED at 1" has the same intensity as a 100 watt at 20". The whole idea here is to be able to run the tape VERY close to...
  17. EarthBow

    2 1000 watt hps in grow tent

    I also agree that 4x600s are a better way to go. This would give you way more even distribution, as mentioned, but also has another benefit... Flexibility. You could, for example, group your shorter plants in one corner and lower that light a little to help them catch up. Or you could have...
  18. EarthBow

    What would cause this?

    The bottom fans are requiring more energy than they are producing (because they are shaded) , so the plant is self-pruning in order to put the energy into flowering. I don't see a problem... it's what they do. Plants are essentially solar powered factories. The plant manager has to pull workers...
  19. EarthBow

    LED Light Strips (Tapes)

    The general idea is... instead of pruning the stuff that doesn't get enough light, bring more light to it. As I mentioned, a 1/4 watt light at 1" is the same as a 100 watt light at 20". This is true no matter the units: PAR, Watts, Lumens, LUX... whateva. I'm not "married" to tape, but it...
  20. EarthBow

    should i be worried?

    Don't make your plans based on what you think the enemy might do. Make your plans based on the worst they are capable of doing.