LED Light Strips (Tapes)


I'm new to the forum, hi.

I searched (half-assed) for topics relating to this, but found nothing.

Has anyone tried using LED light tapes to add some light directly to the lowest parts of your plants? I mean, wrapping a light tape around a plant like decorating a Christmas tree. Crazy talk? Maybe, but consider...

Light intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This means a light source at 1" is 400 times stronger than one at 20", so it doesn't matter that the LEDs in a light tape are low power.

The prevailing wisdom is to remove growth that's being shaded, such as in lollipopping. This works because the parts pruned off are using more plant energy than they are producing. Bringing light to these bits might reverse this dynamic. The end result might be more sugar production, which can be directed to the parts of the plant that are actually growing. Could this give higher yields and reduce larf? I dunno, do you?

Another example is self pruning. A plant drops its lower fan leaves because they aren't getting enough light so they can produce more sugars than they consume. Again, I am suggesting adding light MIGHT reverse this dynamic.

Supplemental side lighting has the same problem as top lighting... it's hard to penetrate the canopy. Would wrapping the plant in a light tape overcome this limitation? What about wrapping a strip of blue lights right around (or close to) a cola? Has anyone played with this?

Light tapes can be had for less than $10. It might be worth trying.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Not sure about the Christmas tree thing but I do know my bottom leaves don't fall off from lack of light :). Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I pull mine off so wouldn't have a clue if they fall off or not....aint got no time for them fans.

Interesting idea though....i like people who push the boundaries so good for you.


Well-Known Member
"Them fans" produce the sugars your plants use to put on new growth. You really should find the time for them.
Well, i'd be interested to know how i could pull more than 42oz from 5 plants in a 5x5, because it's pretty damn tight in there, unless leaving the fans on is going to make them grow up the walls. Thus far removing the fans periodically hasn't seemed to stop them from putting on any growth whatsoever....in fact quite the opposite....but each to their own. :)


Well-Known Member
Bad idea. Is not enough PAR.
Honestly I would suggest getting some Cree XLM-2 SMD chips and drive them, but you should just lolipop the useless crap, scrog.
But if your going to go thr tape method use high Quality LED such as Cree, Osram or Bridgelux.


The general idea is... instead of pruning the stuff that doesn't get enough light, bring more light to it.

As I mentioned, a 1/4 watt light at 1" is the same as a 100 watt light at 20". This is true no matter the units: PAR, Watts, Lumens, LUX... whateva.

I'm not "married" to tape, but it might be a cheap and easy way to see if this is worth doing.

If you already get 4 bushels per square inch and have never had a lower fan fall off, good for you! You already know everything there possibly is to know, no need to keep reading new ideas. Go sit on your throne of self-aggrandized imaginary superiority and sneer down at the rest of us little peons... it's what your kind does best.

Anyway, bringing more light to shaded parts instead of cutting them off should yield more energy that the plant could then use to put on more growth in the main colas. It may be worth a try just to see one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
The general idea is... instead of pruning the stuff that doesn't get enough light, bring more light to it.

As I mentioned, a 1/4 watt light at 1" is the same as a 100 watt light at 20". This is true no matter the units: PAR, Watts, Lumens, LUX... whateva.

I'm not "married" to tape, but it might be a cheap and easy way to see if this is worth doing.

If you already get 4 bushels per square inch and have never had a lower fan fall off, good for you! You already know everything there possibly is to know, no need to keep reading new ideas. Go sit on your throne of self-aggrandized imaginary superiority and sneer down at the rest of us little peons... it's what your kind does best.

Anyway, bringing more light to shaded parts instead of cutting them off should yield more energy that the plant could then use to put on more growth in the main colas. It may be worth a try just to see one way or the other.
If your going to do that, use CREE SMD. If you need some help. Shoot me a message. Traditional led strips are shit for growing


I'm thinking about making a scrog screen out of them.

Yeah, trying to make a growlight out of them would suck... IF you hung it 24" from the plant. But (I say again) a 1/4 watt LED at 1" has the same intensity as a 100 watt at 20". The whole idea here is to be able to run the tape VERY close to the leaves that would normally not be able to get enough to [roduce more energy than they use.

Anyway, this is quickly getting to the point of beating a dead horse. Until I or someone else actually tries it, we won't know one way or the other.



Well-Known Member
Might be intresting maybe tie tape around tomato cage..prune to your needs...will it work probly...is it efficient...no

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
"If you already get 4 bushels per square inch and have never had a lower fan fall off, good for you! You already know everything there possibly is to know, no need to keep reading new ideas. Go sit on your throne of self-aggrandized imaginarysuperiority and sneer down at the rest of us little peons... it's what your kind does best."

I hope your not directing that at my statement about losing lower leaves due to light :( cause that's not very nice lol. First off I consider myself to be an indoor newb and nope no throne here. But I honestly don't have leaves fall off due to low light and perhaps, just perhaps it may be something else, just saying. And I did say let us know, that meant try it!!! Jeesh :(. Here is a plant that is just a complete utter mess, no trimming, no training, just let her do her thing image.jpeg. It's hard to see the actual lush green leaf color but nope, no leaves falling off way in the middle at the bottom. I wasn't trying to be anything but helpful. But oh well lol. And FYI that's eight weeks into flower so almost finished but yup lots of greenery so again not sure it's the lack of light but keep us posted as it may work to, if nothing else, fatten up the larf. And as red says pimp that ride lol.