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  1. Vincent in Blue

    Got Deformed Leaves, need helllp!

    Hi! As you can see, All of the leaves are like this, I think she is dying(heart broken). She is CBD Twentyfour Feminized, What is wrong? Please. Is this Calcium Deficiency caused by PH problem? thx a lot. (I use peat soil with perlite, I also added dolomite lime to stable PH level, and Emerald...
  2. Vincent in Blue

    White Widow Diary

    Hi, mates, I'm Vincent from Asia, and growing WW, I have a feeling that this time I will success, So, I want to share my current situation to you. Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients; Medium: Hydroponics; And Let's go: Day 1 I settled down the sprouted seed today, to avoid Leggy Seedling, I gave...
  3. Vincent in Blue

    Root Rot Problem in hydroponics, need some advices!!!

    Hi, I am a grower in China, sorry my English is bad, I know marijuana is not very popular here, but I just love it, and this is my first post. Problem: I am suffering the problem of root rot, every time I changed the water, my root was going to rot. Mistakes I have found since now: 1. Light...
  4. Vincent in Blue

    Root Rot Problem, need some advices.

    Hi, I am a grower in China, sorry my English is bad, I know marijuana is not very popular here, but I just love it, and it is my first post. Problem: I am suffering the problem of root rot, every time I changed the water, my root was going to rot. Mistakes I have found since now: 1. Light...