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  1. diddydady

    Awesome article, Prescription vs Marijuana

    I found this article interesting. My dad had a close call and this prescription, Tegretol, caused him to have seizures. This woman has a good story to tell...check it out
  2. diddydady

    Cleaning a Grinder

    The best way to clean any pipe, grinder or bong. ingredients -alcohol -course salt to clean a BONG, poor a few oz in a bong and a tsp of salt swish around, watch resin come right off to clean a small pipe or grinder, poor a few oz of alchahol in a tupaware with a lid add salt. try to get...
  3. diddydady

    Best yielding Autoflower strain?

    Hey I grew some low ryder strains. What I got out of it was this strain did not like hydro. So i did not get them as big as they could have. I think that the bud was bomb. But I dont think you should think quantity at all with low ryders. My suggestion would be, get a lot of clones...
  4. diddydady


    Well here is my two cents, I love vaporizers. i think they are healthier because you get the THC and not the carbon monoxide. Now the adjustable vapes are good because your weed can be wet or dry. If it is wet you will want to turn up the heat temp. IF its dry turn it down, or you will...
  5. diddydady

    Roots turning brown what should I do? w/ pic

    you might have seen this post over on supermagnetics' page but just incase permalink OK I am using Fox farm nutes, they are working awsome in my DWC. There are a few rules to go by though. First carefull with organic nutes like BIg bloom. they introduce lots of living things that breed in...
  6. diddydady

    Foxfarm and Water PH

    ya fox farm grow will lower your ph, so you dont need the usual ph down, When mixing it with water put the Fox farm in first or other nutes then adjust ph.
  7. diddydady

    switched to foxfarm nuts

    OK I am using Fox farm nutes, they are working awsome in my DWC. There are a few rules to go by though. First carefull with organic nutes like BIg bloom. they introduce lots of living things that breed in the water and clog up roots and even cause root rot or under oxygenate the water. Now...
  8. diddydady

    need help,can someone help please

    First that chart on that link is the best chart Ive found. I go by it all the time. Works so good. try something super organic(fox farm big bloom), this will help with the getting the chemicals flushed out and adding a plethora of micro and water soluble nutes. Make sure your water or...
  9. diddydady

    PlEaSe Help DWC wilting!!!!!!

    alright heres my two cents. I love my </a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /"]enzymes but I think you can use them at wrong times. First clear your water...
  10. diddydady

    45 strains to choose from :)

    I believe in any thing that is KUSH or second generation Kush.... I would say Afgan kush+ white widow. Look at these seeds from "world of seed" type kush in the search bar at attitude. I want to try these. I grew blueberry kush, got a clone from a buddy. Best stuff hands down
  11. diddydady

    Great service from attitude...

    Thats sweet. Everytime I order I get a cool ass shirt. I have always got my seeds 8-10 days. Never had any problems. I have chated with them over some friendly emails, always answerd my questions fast. A+ Attitude I am curently growing their freebe "DNA sour cream," bubbler" Lookin...
  12. diddydady

    Need input for first grow strain choice.

    hey I grew this one called Durban Poison the makers are Dutch Passion. Easy to grow, really good taste, really good stone. Its from Atittude Seeds. Its flowered in 8-9 weeks no joke it smells like licorice too. My buddys all couldnt get enough of it. I want to try the Mix 1 by dutch...
  13. diddydady

    looking for the perfect strain for me

    Dude search for anything Kush. I think plants that have kush in them seem to be off the wall stoned. Search "kush" in the Attitude search box. I want to try the plant "World of Seeds Landraces Afghan Kush", Super Devistating High, but try "World of Seeds Medical Collection Afghan Kush x...
  14. diddydady

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    Hey check out this Do It Yourself website. It has a bunch of you tube videos, it shows you the parts right under the video. Cool stuff
  15. diddydady

    How hot is to hot ?

    I know that when I put my room over 90 my plants would dry out so fast. I just make sure that if the room gets really hot keep cool water on the roots. In soil, make sure its getting plenty of water. hydro, dont let that water get over 80, keep it even cooler the water will have more oxygen.
  16. diddydady

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Check out the Wheel at the top of this page for some cool deals .
  17. diddydady

    Good nutes for bubbleponics?

    I know if you use something like Fox Farm you want to only use a litte Big BLoom (or anything supper organic bat guano or kelp). Anything that is thick and soupe, it is really hard on the root system. make sure you keep your water clear. I think it will let oxygen get to the roots easier...
  18. diddydady

    PH question

    also, the soilless mix take more nutrients when feeding cause the soil is not there to soak up nutes. I think they kind of wash out. I would try giving it more nutes more often
  19. diddydady

    i see pistils in veg

    Yea it sounds like your plant is ready any time now to be put into flowering. You can force it into flowering earlier but could take a couple weeks befor the plant even shows any sex signs. Also, if your plant was showing signs at three weeks after seed it is probably an autoflowering plant.
  20. diddydady

    DIY Bubbleponics Easy and Simple

    SO here are some pics of this system. These are different pics of different buckets. Your system can have one bucket or 12 buckets or even more. all you need to do is make a whole just big enough for the air hose to fit through. Make it in the lid or the top of the bucket. You can make two...