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  1. laserbrn

    Too many yellow leaves

    Can you give a few more details and post a picture with the light of? This doesn't look like an N deficiency to me. I'm going to guess your soil ph is LOW LOW LOW... So gimme some details.... Are you using a soil ph meter? RO Water or Tap? Adding any other nutrients like Cal Mag+?
  2. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Occu-Poo achieved nothing. That was easy.
  3. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    I think most people are pretty over this whole "occupy" nonsense by now. Vandalizing and acting fools because life is "hard". This went from hopefully the next great revolution to the Biggest Losers in about 5 months. Pathetic now.
  4. laserbrn

    Well, thank god we fought that war for 10+years...

    Enough of them are that the point is valid. All of the elected officials are obviously where we need to start. We need to do away with appointed positions altogether.
  5. laserbrn

    Well, thank god we fought that war for 10+years...

    Civil War? What are you talking about now? There's no need to start a "war". There's no war to be had and you'd be unequipped to fight it. The people aren't brainwashed, that's nonsense. Every individual believes the masses have it wrong and that they have it right. The past 2 years have...
  6. laserbrn

    Well, thank god we fought that war for 10+years...

    So what? I don't need Jon Q Dumbass voting based on the commercials he saw during Dancing with Stars to determine who our representatives are. New Media, public television and public radio is certainly enough options to get the important messages out that candidates have to offer. We don't...
  7. laserbrn

    Well, thank god we fought that war for 10+years...

    This country doesn't need a militant uprising. Everyone up there is elected by the people. This country only needs ONE GODDAMN THING to fix it...Campaign Finance/Lobby Reform. We need a constitutional ammendment that bans private contributions from both corporations AND individuals to elected...
  8. laserbrn

    My first Indoor Grow, all Help Appreciated

    No, that's what I'm saying. If you have 8 plants under a 1000w light you should be aiming for about 2oz's per plant (16ozes) and that's right about where you are asking about. So I wouldn't think it unreasonable to expect that from those plants. The room size is obviously of importance, but...
  9. laserbrn

    My first Indoor Grow, all Help Appreciated

    Really hard to call this early on, but it's not an unreasonable estimate. With a 1000w light if you filled the room you'd be looking to be somewhere around 16oz's. Maybe 20, maybe 14, but somewhere in that general vacinity.
  10. laserbrn

    Is the Romney slander going to affect him in the race?

    I don't see any reason you could make this claim? Has he ever attacked anyone's daughter? He had an affair and married his mistress. Gee only person in history to ever marry the wrong woman the first go 'round. Some people sure to pick their candidates based on the wrong topics.
  11. laserbrn

    Is the Romney slander going to affect him in the race?

    I don't believe that either of these things will hurt Romney's campaign. He hasn't had a "job" so he's only paid 15% capital gains tax. I don't see how that's unfair and neither do most American's. If I have 75,000,000 and I take a RISK to invest that money and I actually come out ahead, I...
  12. laserbrn

    Two Tokes Grow "Take 2"

    I was actually an AVID believer in 24/0 based on the belief that more light is better. My buddy and I got into about it and in the end I came to the conclusion that he was right after running multiple comparisons. One of my old grow journals here actually shows the comparison between 18/6 and...
  13. laserbrn

    First Journal, Medical personal grow - Valley OG and Chem

    Things are looking good my man. The only criticism I have is taking pictures and messing with your plants during the dark period. I know that green lights are okay for grow rooms, but man, I'm still against it. No light during the dark period is your BEST bet. Play with your girls when the...
  14. laserbrn

    Two Tokes Grow "Take 2"

    I have tested 18/6 vs 20/4 vs 24/0 and I did not perceive any noticeable differences in growth rate. I now run 18/6 because it uses the least amount of energy and therefore is most efficient. There is no need to go to 18/6 before going to 12/12 though. I also don't believe in 36 hours of...
  15. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests? seriously, lol.
  16. laserbrn

    First Grow EVER! Not A Game, it's real, fucking, LIFE!

    Fantastic. Well done my friend, well done indeed. Enjoy the spoils!
  17. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    While I believe that we have given too much power to the state and that indeed this is akin to giving the power back to King George, what I don't understand is how this fits into the framework of this discussion. I don't see how those that would love to expand the role of gov't are any better...
  18. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Padawan.... If the objective is to feed and cloth the people of the world (lets make it that simple for this discussion). How much has collectivism throughout history done to achieve this goal? How much has freedom done? What percentage of people in the United States are unfed and unclothed...
  19. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - Back to Hydro!!!!

    Thanks for following along. I don't usually start my journal this early....not much to report yet. I've got some sprouts. Looks like so far 2 beans haven't germinated/sprouted. The 1 Kushage (whatever the hell that strain is anyway) and one of the White Russians. Everybody else has poked out...
  20. laserbrn


    They are overferted and Sativa Dominant. I'm telling you, there's nothing you can do or add or change that's going to speed things up. It takes as long as it takes, wait it out. The plants usually stretch for the 1st 1/3 of their flowering period. If they stretched for 5 weeks, they'll take...