0calli Poetry~~~~~~Post your Poetry here anything at all that you have Written


Well-Known Member
the more i puff; the greener i -c ;)

the more i wonder to ponder this everlasting bull--shits; we call real al eee T ;)

so i say to ALL; smoke more.. enjoy more.. LOVE MORE.. and maybe ..just maybe.. You.. will .. also.. See :)

#cheers /snpsnap


Active Member
Just got back from work
Customers got me going beserk
So I sit ready to roll a joint
But I look
Outta weed
Tell myself "whats the point?"......


Well-Known Member
Fuck Spider Mites
Fuck them all
Fuck them so good they keep coming back
Fuck it they think they can handle it
Fuck but they can't
Fuck you Spider Mite Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
gotta keep a close eye on the mites,
for quickly they do spread.
If you dont catch them at the beggining,
you could wake up and your plants have all these webs.
Prepare for war! They dont die easy,
A vaccuum wont work or a watery dip.
If you dont get them before,
Your weed will be full of microscopic mite shit.
Spray them in veg every single grow,
To stop them from ever walking on your plants.
Then flip and enjoy your product at the end,
Together we can do a song and dance.
After the battle and after the war is won,
make sure to invite me over.
Those mites are tiny little fuckers,
That I cant believe how they can bend a grower over.
Sticking it dry and deep,
Into the growers ass.
How you ask? I'll answer that,
Because when you pass your weed they say "ILL PASS!"
So get the spray today is good,
Keep those mites at bay.
Fuck them back hard and deep,
Make them remember you this day.
Get out the weapons of war,
Spray them with firey darts.
and while you got the bottle out,
Might as well hit those lady parts. LoL


Well-Known Member
Damn I need another rep button hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Well-Known Member
Itsy bitsy spider mites
Climbed up the little sprout.
Down came the pain as
I sprayed the bastards out.
On came the cooltubes
And dried up all the spray.
But it will leave a residue that
Kills them for seven days!

haha peace y'all!


Well-Known Member
Haha I guess alot, not all of the normal ones are held away in secret by their women, so other women are exposed to a greater ratio of weirdos and creeps to normies!


Well-Known Member
Kona I peed a little when I read that. Id rep you back up the ass just because I laughed so hard but I cant yet... :(


Well-Known Member
LMFAO Just want to let you know that is awesome and shot and bong to that hehehhehehe ;) OMG I wish I could always do what I want, but hahha somehow I am always "controlled" by someone hahahahahaha good thing I am smart lol ;)


Well-Known Member
how about...

Spider mite, spider mite
Does a few things a spider might
Spins a web
On your pot
Sucks the leaves
You can see the spots
Lookout! Here come the spider mites...


Well-Known Member
If you see the mites
At the scene of the crime
And pull out oomite
They will die just in time...
Spider mite


Well-Known Member
For anyone who doesn't know the old spider man cartoon theme song or the itsy bitsy spider nursery rhyme, yes I'm crazy but I was going somewhere with that crap:)