1.5 gram microwave cooking?


Last week my girlfriend and I were hanging out and I offered to cook some bud up for us. She REFUSES to smoke because she think's it's "trashy" but is ok with eating it. So, I called a friend of mine and got a 1.5 gram bag of regs. To make things go quicker, I decided to microwave the ground up bud in peanut butter sandwiches. I put around the same amount of bud in each sandwich.

I microwaved the sandwiches for a minute and a half each (stopping it every so often so it didn't overcook) and let them cool for a few minutes before eating. We each ate one, buds and all, and scooped up all of the extra peanut butter from the plates and ate it.

It was my first time eating weed and to be honest I didn't know what to expect.

About 45 mins later, i felt insane. I had drank a little bit beforehand and while waiting for my high to start and once i felt a little bit high i finished my drink and stopped there. My girlfriend had only drank 2 beers, and through out the night felt very "weird" as she called it. (She doesn't drink much and never really eats/smokes weed, and I do both often.)

So, basically, did we get really high off the sandwiches or was it just the alcohal? Her "high" lasted about 7 hours and I was having trouble walking from 1-4 AM.

Do you think we were twisted or just drunk? I'd like to figure it out before I try again with just weed. Wouldn't want to get excited for nothing.


Well-Known Member
it probably was the combination of the two.

cannabis edibles willl cause highs that long though,. but with alcohol as a catalyst that explains lack of balance.