1 month till harvest and I see a male flower


Active Member
I found this male flower on a middle branch of my plant. All the other buds look good with great white pistils growing everywere. I read on here to pick the male flower off buy when I did I noticed it had already opened up and there was pollen inside. Is my plant ruined? Is there gunna be a million seeds in the buds. I mean the buds look great so far but are seeds gunna start popping up everywere?


Well-Known Member
You, my friend, have had a hermie pop up... Your crop is probably partially pollenated, but I would still try to remove(carefully) the lone(hopefully) male flower, and hope there aren't more... #1-U used bagseed, which is NOT always a bad thing, I KNOW(some of my best findings came from like one or two nice seeds I have found in different eighths of awesome nugs), #2-U probably got a lil too curious, as do most new growers, and looked at them while they were in darkness, thusly interupting their sleep cycle, stressing them, and causing a hermie to pop up, or #3-Most likely, it may just be an unstable, and finicky strain, that was just some commercially produced schwag, which I have seen awesome kind buds grown from, but usually this is not the case... I'd most certainly try my best to get ahold of some good genetics, and watch those light leaks, no matter how tempting it may be to look at them at night(if u have to, get a green led head lamp, and make sure u r in total darkness before approaching, and u can see them under a green spectrum, which they won't recognize, and it will not disturb them)...


Well-Known Member
And, worst case scenario-your plants r only PARTIALLY pollenated if it was a lone hermie flower... U will not have a million seeds... U will have some, but this may not be a horrible thing, as it may well now seem... U will have yourself some seeds to grow out, if u want to, if the end results look worthy enough to carry on, but, it will not be seeded as if it were pollenated fully by a true male... So, u will be allright... And if it's nice enough weed, alot of people don't scoff at a few seeds, but rather enjoy the little presents, as they can grow their own out of them... So, although bitterweet, itz happenned to me, not so long ago, I must admit, and I have nearly 20 years of growing under my belt, and had never had a hermie before... So, I felt like a shaved-tail Louie, but I was glad in the end to have some awesome ass hybrids, I am currently flowering out, and my, my... Im glad I had that hermie now...


Active Member
first of all thanks for the reply/advise ganjagod. i know i havnt peeked at the plant during the dark period (as tempting as it may be) and theres not any light leaks. and the seed came from some really great herb definitly not shwag. this was the kind of bud were your like oh my god! a seed! i was super happy to find it so i could continue its genetics. but i guess if that bud had a random seed in it, could it be in the plants genes to have a seed or two? i dont know if thats possible im new at this... also i would like to get ahold of some solid genetics so i know exactly what i was dealing with but dont know were. anyways thanks for the help have a good one


Well-Known Member
No, it wouldn't be in the genetics to have a seed in it... It COULD however, be in it's genetics to be prone to go hermie, though, which in turn would self-pollenate itself, and any other females around it, to produce seeds... I have had this happen, and the seeds I got off of the hermie, as well as the other plants of different genetics have just about all been females, so u probably made a grand mistake... I'd grow some of the mature seeds out that u have now, and see what kind of surprises u may have in store with the now combined genetics of your F1 seeds from this accidental pollenation...


Active Member
Hmm that's a good idea... That'd be cool if they were all females. Well thanks for the help I'll post how it goes for me