1 seed from plant.?.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
So... I just finished a few gimme plants from a medi grower, along with my usual stuff.
Garden was well monitored and lit, my strain is stable and the freebies i was given as clones .. I kept a very sharp eye on.
No bananas were were seen until the 10th week and then 1 of the freebie strains shot a few but they never matured to opening before the plant was taken or they were plucked off.
During trimming and drying, no flowers or bananas were found.

I had 1 lethal purple sativa plant that was totally purple and brought in 1 ounce dry at harvest, from being flowered at 8" its really nice smoke. Out of that entire ounce, I found no seeds ( none expected ) UNTIL i got a small bottom bud. Found 1 seed. Dark with tiger striping from dead pistil staining. Its solid and passed squeeze test. NO other seds have been found in entire 4 pound harvest.

So... Wtf? Hermie? Safe seed?


Well-Known Member
i hear its possible to get a seed or 2 but it they arent viable since they were never pollenated

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
I had heard (best way to say most likely Bullshit...) That if you get 1 seed fully developed in a plant or to a 1/2 lb ratio.. its most likely female as the plant will drop a seed to further its own genepool. If so that would be a female seed. I was hoping a breeder with skills would see this and chime in. Not to give any weight to the legend that is unconfirmed.. but I can say that whenever I get a few seeds in a large amount of great bud... they seem to be viable and female. Luck of the grower? maybe.
Seed is dark and has nice striping. proving calyx';s were dead and pistils had died out and stained the bean on decay. I should mention as well that this plant was far away from the banana producing hashplant strain and NOTHING else has a seed.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
This is what im saying. This is what has happened for me in the past. Is it just luck or nature cresting a feminized seed?
i think its just luck but i am not complaining. that recon last year was my favorite smoke and was glad for the seed. this seed grew normal and i havnt finished smoking it yet but havnt found a seed yet. i have a few clones of it going also. i did find a few seeds in a couple other plants from this grow and i am not happy, but the smoke is still great. i thought i found the hermie out in time but guess not.


Well-Known Member
Any plant that goes long enough will eventually hermie. It's a last ditch effort to propagate. It could be that the plant was a little over ripe and therefore made a seed. The seed would not necessarily be a hermie but it will be female imo. I would have to try it.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
Any plant that goes long enough will eventually hermie. It's a last ditch effort to propagate. It could be that the plant was a little over ripe and therefore made a seed. The seed would not necessarily be a hermie but it will be female imo. I would have to try it.
this is what I was led to believe as well. Buts its never been stated as truth.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Any plant that goes long enough will eventually hermie. It's a last ditch effort to propagate. It could be that the plant was a little over ripe and therefore made a seed. The seed would not necessarily be a hermie but it will be female imo. I would have to try it.
i can agree with this to a certain point. if it was to hermie because of late flowering it would not have time to produce a mature seed because it was harvested. when this happens to outdoor plants that are not harvested and the whole plants dies on the stalk, there can be time to develop seeds.

imo i harvested between 8 and 9 weeks so to produce that mature seed would have been polinated around week 4-5. so to me that is not a late flowering hermie.


Well-Known Member

about 45 days vegging and 10 weeks in flower. LOL​

really you only have 45 days veg then you can sex it and dump it if its a male, why would you flower a male for 10 weeks.

not really sure what your grow cab/style is but i wouldnt put my next crop on that one bean but to grow it out along side your normal grow wouldnt lose much if it turned male/hermi

so again, what do you have to lose...that time is going to pass wether you grow that seed or not and if anything by not growing it would be when you lose out in my opinion.

anyways good luck with wichever you choose..happy growing man :)

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
really you only have 45 days veg then you can sex it and dump it if its a male, why would you flower a male for 10 weeks.

not really sure what your grow cab/style is but i wouldnt put my next crop on that one bean but to grow it out along side your normal grow wouldnt lose much if it turned male/hermi

so again, what do you have to lose...that time is going to pass wether you grow that seed or not and if anything by not growing it would be when you lose out in my opinion.

anyways good luck with wichever you choose..happy growing man :)
I labaled it and tossed it in my seed vault for later or in case of fire. No space in the veg closet for awhile :P I have an article here that appeared in issue 28 of Treating yourself magazine and he explains what may have happened. He says female seeds happen naturally due to stress. He states even a PH stressing could make a plant seed. Even nutrient stress. Since I was mixing my nutes for another strain that likes it heavy... this MAY be the cause.
That'd be great to have a Lethal Purple seed tucked away. Very pretty plant.