10 Arrested for Afghan Acid Attack


Well-Known Member
10 Arrested for Afghan Acid Attack

Published: November 25, 2008
KABUL, Afghanistan — The police in Kandahar Province arrested 10 Taliban militants they said were involved in an attack this month on a group of Afghan schoolgirls whose faces were doused with acid, officials in Kandahar said Tuesday.

Shamsia, 17, received visitors at a hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Nov. 15. She and other students and teachers on their way to school were attacked Nov. 12 by men who threw acid at them.

The officials said that the militants, who were Afghan citizens, had confessed to their involvement in the attack on the schoolgirls and their teachers on Nov. 12 and that a high-ranking member of the Taliban had paid the militants 100,000 Pakistani rupees ($1,275) for each girl they managed to burn.
The girls were assaulted by two men on a motorcycle, apparently because the girls had been attending high school. The men drove up beside them and splashed their faces with what appeared to be battery acid.
Zalmay Ayobi, the spokesman for Gen. Rahmatullah Raufi, the governor of Kandahar, said the orders to carry out the attack had been given from a foreign country, although he did not identify it.
The militants were arrested by the police last week. Mr. Ayobi said a joint delegation from the Interior Ministry and the office of the attorney general in the capital, Kabul, had arrived in Kandahar, in southern Afghanistan, on Monday to evaluate the cases of the suspects.
The delegation, led by the deputy interior minister along with the governor of Kandahar, announced Tuesday that the suspects confessed their involvement in the attack, Mr. Ayobi said.
He said Afghanistan’s courts would decide the attackers’ fate after the investigation was completed.
At least two of the girls were hospitalized by the attack, their faces blackened and burned.
The attack was condemned at the time by Laura Bush, who described the Taliban as “cowardly and shameful” for carrying out the attack.
“The Taliban’s continued terror attacks threaten the progress that has been made in Afghanistan,” the first lady said in a statement, adding, “These cowardly and shameful acts are condemned by honorable people in the United States and around the world.”
Mrs. Bush has been an advocate for the women of Afghanistan during her husband’s tenure. She has visited Afghanistan three times to put a spotlight on development and women’s issues, most recently in June, a trip cloaked in secrecy so she would not become a target of terrorists.

Now my question is, how is it that liberals especially liberal women have more compassion for these terrorists than for our own soldiers? And it has been proven that liberals do have more compassion for these terrorists then our own soldiers by the pure amount of news printed in the most leftist publication of our times The New York Times. I dare any liberal to look back at major publications in our country and count the times the US or its military were put down because of things like putting underwear on the heads of terrorists and compare that to how many times they have spoken kindly of the men and women of our country that have died in this war. Whether or not you agree with the war, our military people are doing what they are told to do, so how can you hold them accountable?


New Member
Now my question is, how is it that liberals especially liberal women have more compassion for these terrorists than for our own soldiers? And it has been proven that liberals do have more compassion for these terrorists then our own soldiers by the pure amount of news printed in the most leftist publication of our times The New York Times. I dare any liberal to look back at major publications in our country and count the times the US or its military were put down because of things like putting underwear on the heads of terrorists and compare that to how many times they have spoken kindly of the men and women of our country that have died in this war. Whether or not you agree with the war, our military people are doing what they are told to do, so how can you hold them accountable?

I don't get you man. You are part of the problem, not the solution. You come on here and dis. liberals for having compassion. Do you actually believe anyone, liberal or anything but taliban would condone this behavior. Do you actually think liberal women would say, "oh those poor taliban assholes that threw acid in young schoolgirls faces should be given a pass"? Grow up. Liberals (And yes I am one) see evil just as much as any righty, we just have a more civil way of dealing with it. I (The liberal) say they should be staked out naked in public and give each of those girls a quart of acid and let them throw at will, is that brutal enough for you?



Well-Known Member
Now my question is, how is it that liberals especially liberal women have more compassion for these terrorists than for our own soldiers? And it has been proven that liberals do have more compassion for these terrorists then our own soldiers by the pure amount of news printed in the most leftist publication of our times The New York Times. I dare any liberal to look back at major publications in our country and count the times the US or its military were put down because of things like putting underwear on the heads of terrorists and compare that to how many times they have spoken kindly of the men and women of our country that have died in this war. Whether or not you agree with the war, our military people are doing what they are told to do, so how can you hold them accountable?

I don't get you man. You are part of the problem, not the solution. You come on here and dis. liberals for having compassion. Do you actually believe anyone, liberal or anything but taliban would condone this behavior. Do you actually think liberal women would say, "oh those poor taliban assholes that threw acid in young schoolgirls faces should be given a pass"? Grow up. Liberals (And yes I am one) see evil just as much as any righty, we just have a more civil way of dealing with it. I (The liberal) say they should be staked out naked in public and give each of those girls a quart of acid and let them throw at will, is that brutal enough for you?

Hi Med, glad to talk to ya :D
and yes i do think that liberals feel more compassion for the terrorists, the NY times did 32 straight front page articles on US soldiers stripping terrorists and putting underwear on there heads. How many front page articles have there been about our men and women who have died over there?

this is the kind of thing liberals want to do http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/magazine/09jihadis-t.html
the article is entitled Deprogramming Jihadists. Did we try to deprogram the Fascist Nazis? or the Soviet Commies?


Well-Known Member

Afghan Officials Aided an Attack on U.S. Soldiers :
and yet crazy leftist liberals want us to powder there asses after they shit?
we cant trust a one of em, until we make it clear this type of behavior is not going to be allowed. Should we have treated Hitler with such compassion?


Well-Known Member
Officials Say U.S. Killed an Iraqi in Raid in Syria


here is more liberal crap, yeah we killed some a-hole who was helping the Iraqi insurgents, who gives a shit where he was when we killed him? Apparently liberals do......
Its called reporting the news, let me guess this would be your article on the that operation........................'we killed some dude, somewhere who cares" lol


Well-Known Member
This is from cnn this morning.

Mr Karzai (R) with the UN team that is assessing the Afghan situation
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called for a timetable for ending the war against the Taleban in his country.
Mr Karzai made the call in a speech to a visiting UN Security Council team.
He said if Afghans had "no light at the end of the tunnel" they had the right to pursue other options, such as peace negotiations with the Taleban.
Mr Karzai also demanded an end to arrests of Afghans "in their homes, in the roads" by international forces, saying it was the job of Afghan police.
The US and its allies ousted the Taleban regime in 2001 and there are now about 70,000 mainly Western troops pursuing a "war on terror".
Mr Karzai said Afghans could be asking why a "little force like the Taleban can continue to exist, can continue to flourish, can continue to launch attacks".
The president said after seven years Afghans were asking why "with the entire international community behind them, still we are not able to defeat the Taleban".

The arrest of Afghans in their homes, in the roads must stop by the international forces
President Hamid Karzai
Mr Karzai said there were two options.
First would be to set a timeline, saying that what had not been achieved in the past seven years would be achieved in the next "four years, five years or another seven years".
But he added: "If we cannot give a light at the end of the tunnel to the Afghan people, [do] the Afghan people have a right to ask for negotiation for peace? [Do] the Afghan people have a right to seek other avenues?"
Mr Karzai said he would continue to fight al-Qaeda and Taleban members "who are ideologically against the rest of the world".
However, he said Taleban members who were "part of the Afghan community" could be brought back to serve Afghanistan.
The BBC's Daud Qarizadah in Kabul says Mr Karzai's strong comments show he is extremely worried about the dissatisfaction and frustration among Afghans in the south and east where the insurgency is high.
The call for the timeline is an attempt to win support back in those regions ahead of elections next year, our correspondent says.
Mr Karzai also demanded an end to "forceful entry" by coalition forces into Afghan homes.
"The arrest of Afghans in their homes, in the roads must stop by the international forces... This is the job of the Afghan judicial system and the Afghan police," he said.
The war against the militants had to be fought against their "sanctuaries" in Pakistan, he added.
Our correspondent says Mr Karzai is clearly trying to distance himself from the foreign forces to regain lost popularity.
The UN delegation is on a fact-finding mission and is discussing the use of $20bn pledged at a donors' conference this year.


Well-Known Member
nope, did you even read the article?

'But in justifying the attack, American officials said the Bush administration was determined to operate under an expansive definition of self-defense that provided a rationale for strikes on militant targets in sovereign nations without those countries’ consent.
Together with a similar American commando raid into Pakistan more than seven weeks ago, the operation on Sunday appeared to reflect an intensifying effort by the Bush administration to find a way during its waning months to attack militants even beyond the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan, where the United States is at war.'

the article is about how liberals believe we should not be going after terrorists if they are not in Iraq or Afghanistan. Which is bullshit, we should be going after them no-matter where or who they are :D


Well-Known Member
This is from cnn this morning.

Mr Karzai (R) with the UN team that is assessing the Afghan situation
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called for a timetable for ending the war against the Taleban in his country.
Mr Karzai made the call in a speech to a visiting UN Security Council team.
He said if Afghans had "no light at the end of the tunnel" they had the right to pursue other options, such as peace negotiations with the Taleban.
Mr Karzai also demanded an end to arrests of Afghans "in their homes, in the roads" by international forces, saying it was the job of Afghan police.
The US and its allies ousted the Taleban regime in 2001 and there are now about 70,000 mainly Western troops pursuing a "war on terror".
Mr Karzai said Afghans could be asking why a "little force like the Taleban can continue to exist, can continue to flourish, can continue to launch attacks".
The president said after seven years Afghans were asking why "with the entire international community behind them, still we are not able to defeat the Taleban".

The arrest of Afghans in their homes, in the roads must stop by the international forces
President Hamid Karzai
Mr Karzai said there were two options.
First would be to set a timeline, saying that what had not been achieved in the past seven years would be achieved in the next "four years, five years or another seven years".
But he added: "If we cannot give a light at the end of the tunnel to the Afghan people, [do] the Afghan people have a right to ask for negotiation for peace? [Do] the Afghan people have a right to seek other avenues?"
Mr Karzai said he would continue to fight al-Qaeda and Taleban members "who are ideologically against the rest of the world".
However, he said Taleban members who were "part of the Afghan community" could be brought back to serve Afghanistan.
The BBC's Daud Qarizadah in Kabul says Mr Karzai's strong comments show he is extremely worried about the dissatisfaction and frustration among Afghans in the south and east where the insurgency is high.
The call for the timeline is an attempt to win support back in those regions ahead of elections next year, our correspondent says.
Mr Karzai also demanded an end to "forceful entry" by coalition forces into Afghan homes.
"The arrest of Afghans in their homes, in the roads must stop by the international forces... This is the job of the Afghan judicial system and the Afghan police," he said.
The war against the militants had to be fought against their "sanctuaries" in Pakistan, he added.
Our correspondent says Mr Karzai is clearly trying to distance himself from the foreign forces to regain lost popularity.
The UN delegation is on a fact-finding mission and is discussing the use of $20bn pledged at a donors' conference this year.
Good article, just proves how pussy liberal tactics have shown the terrorists that we are weak :D


New Member
Hi Med, glad to talk to ya :D
and yes i do think that liberals feel more compassion for the terrorists, the NY times did 32 straight front page articles on US soldiers stripping terrorists and putting underwear on there heads. How many front page articles have there been about our men and women who have died over there?
I'm pretty sure the "Bush" administration has put out the word to nix the death count as much as possible, and we both know the Media is owned by right wing corporate giants.

this is the kind of thing liberals want to do http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/magazine/09jihadis-t.html
the article is entitled Deprogramming Jihadists. Did we try to deprogram the Fascist Nazis? or the Soviet Commies?
This will not work, in my estimation. I believe if we got the fuck out of Muslim territory, and reduced or stopped Muslim Visas, let them stew in their own juices. We can't afford to police the world any longer and remain anywhere near solvency. I have said what I would do to those scumbags that threw the acid, and I am not about love and forgiveness for crazy JIhadists, But, we should'nt torture and rendition either. Can you Imagine going to work one day and a bunch of dudes with guns grab you and put a bag over your head and whisk you off to who knows where, and then torture you for days, weeks, months, years? Pretty scary eh? thats rendition 101.


Well-Known Member
the article is about how liberals believe we should not be going after terrorists if they are not in Iraq or Afghanistan. :D
It doesn't say that at all, in fact "liberals" like Obama want to go into Pakistan after the "terrorists"..............so I take it you support Obama on this issue?


New Member
Good article, just proves how pussy liberal tactics have shown the terrorists that we are weak :grin:

I guess fearing the terrorists striking a subway in NYC if you are a right wing dipshit from podunk is Not being a pussy? The right wing invented pussies with their terrorists thing, be very afraid, fear fear fear. Hey Bllb or whatever, I'm a fucking liberal, fought in Viet Nam and I'm not afraid, So you definently can take me off your pussy list, OK?


Well-Known Member
Good article, just proves how pussy liberal tactics have shown the terrorists that we are weak.
You are weak! And the "terrorists" know that without the help of your"pussy liberal tactics". So why don't you guys go into pakistan full force? hmmm are they not your/our ally? that just shows that since 911 everyone is the enemy. Sleeping with the head of the snake, while taking bits off the tail.


Well-Known Member
Good article, just proves how pussy liberal tactics have shown the terrorists that we are weak :grin:

I guess fearing the terrorists striking a subway in NYC if you are a right wing dipshit from podunk is Not being a pussy? The right wing invented pussies with their terrorists thing, be very afraid, fear fear fear. Hey Bllb or whatever, I'm a fucking liberal, fought in Viet Nam and I'm not afraid, So you definently can take me off your pussy list, OK?

I respect your opinion any way but as a vietnam vet i respect it even more, although i do have one question for ya, did you get spit on by pussy liberals here in the US when you came back? would a conservative do that to you?


Well-Known Member
This will not work, in my estimation. I believe if we got the fuck out of Muslim territory, and reduced or stopped Muslim Visas, let them stew in their own juices. We can't afford to police the world any longer and remain anywhere near solvency. I have said what I would do to those scumbags that threw the acid, and I am not about love and forgiveness for crazy JIhadists, But, we should'nt torture and rendition either. Can you Imagine going to work one day and a bunch of dudes with guns grab you and put a bag over your head and whisk you off to who knows where, and then torture you for days, weeks, months, years? Pretty scary eh? thats rendition 101.
if you think that what we see or hear in the media is right wing then you obviously live in a bubble surrounded by leftist pussies :D
would you call FOX news right wing? why? because they actually speak about the conservative view point? oh my god, its just like a liberal to demand free speech as long as it is the speech they want heard :D