100 percent indica or sativa


Active Member
A 100% indica or sativa is extremely rare, most strains now days are crossed to get the benefits of both. Not saying they aren't out there, but the chances you'll find one are slim.


Well-Known Member
will post again tommorow and let ya know which one i picked now im excited pure indica and sativa i cant wait to try them and see the differences between the pure girls and the hybrids. i might like them better or maybe help me decide which i want more of in my bud :)


Well-Known Member
If you like the Kwazulu story, then roll a fat one, load that bong, and check this out for an hour

I think it's about half way through until they talk about the drugs, but well worth watching it all.
If only to see another nation give the red coats a thrashing! ;)
(God save the queen!...or not.)


Well-Known Member
Male Cannabis pollen is sucked up in storms and travels the globe in jet streams.

Over the millions of years the strain has been around DNA has been shared between all varieties.

There is no such thing as 100% Indica or 100%Sativa. Biologically, there is no such thing as 50% Indica /50% Sativa. What there is are plants showing phenotypical Sativa or Indica traits.

When discussing the DNA of any organism '% values' are completely unknowable and ultimately meaningless. Even in Human paternity tests, results are given as a statistical probability and not a definitive % value.


Well-Known Member
Of course, you're correct there Moebius, and there's something quite cool about a male potentially fertilizing a female on the other side of the globe. I hadn't thought about it before, thanks!
But we know what he's saying right? ;)


Well-Known Member
Of course, you're correct there Moebius, and there's something quite cool about a male potentially fertilizing a female on the other side of the globe. I hadn't thought about it before, thanks!
But we know what he's saying right? ;)
I'm not sure I do.

I have no idea why people/breeders/anyone uses words like 'pure' or '100%' . To me it demonstrates not only a fundamental lack of knowledge in biology but also in math. .. whatever.

Of course, when someone says 'Sativa' plant, its a shorthand way of describing commonly agreed traits but its incorrect to attribute a % value to the plant or describe it as 'pure'.


Well-Known Member
World of seeds claim their afghan kush is pure indica. Also their Pakistani valley is claimed pure, I think this is because they are isolated landraces that they say they are 100% indica. I'm growing afghan kush at the min and it looks pretty close to 100% I say this because it's very short and bushy with really tight buds and very fat indica leafs. I've not popped my pakistani valley bean yet as the strain doesn't really grab my attention(it will save for a rainy day).


Well-Known Member
You should also check out Ace Seeds and Cannbiogen seeds. I've read a lot of good stuff about their strains. There's also Seeds of Africa and Delta 9 seeds and some others as well, but I can't think of them right now. I think The Single Seed Centre has a good search engine; type in "landrace" and it will pull up all the landrace strains they sell. The Attitude and Herbies search engines don't do as good of a job.


Well-Known Member
I've grown their Afghan Kush as well, "classic" rather than "pure" might be a more accurate way to describe them, or anything "pure bred" really...
But even £/$20,000,000 worth of Arabian horse isn't pure...and I still retain some primordial soup genetics! ;)

genetic throwback.jpg

As you can see!