100 Watt HPS?? amber bulbs?


Active Member
I just found 4 100 watt hps lamps and bulbs at lowes for 15 dollars each. I bought all and am hoping to use them in my grow. They came with amber bulbs. Are these useable for growing or do I need to get a new bulb?


Well-Known Member
These are complete fixtures with bulb and ballast right? The bulbs should be standard clear hps bulbs, if so they are fine.


Active Member
These are completes with bulb and ballast included. The bulbs are physically clear and what not but the light they are emmitting is amber according to the specs on the box. Is that what you are talking about


Well-Known Member
Yea it should look like that. HPS bulbs give off the Red spectrum thats why it gives off that color when its on.