1000 Watt came crashing down....


Well-Known Member
Well I knew it wasn't a sturdy enough light hang and now im kicking myself in the ass. Last night as I was closing the closet door so the ladies could get their beauty sleep the door cought on my light cord tugging the light a bit which caused it to come falling down.....RIGHT ON MY PLANTS!!! Messed up my purple kush and trainwreck pretty good, tied them up and there not lookin to bad.

This leads me to my question. What can I hang my light from if the ceiling of the closet doesnt have any studs for me to drill into? Any help is greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
Well I knew it wasn't a sturdy enough light hang and now im kicking myself in the ass. Last night as I was closing the closet door so the ladies could get their beauty sleep the door cought on my light cord tugging the light a bit which caused it to come falling down.....RIGHT ON MY PLANTS!!! Messed up my purple kush and trainwreck pretty good, tied them up and there not lookin to bad.

This leads me to my question. What can I hang my light from if the ceiling of the closet doesnt have any studs for me to drill into? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

is it a drywall??? or plaster there would have to be something holding up the ceiling....you can use hangars...or even better cut a 2X4 all the way across the top and anchor to that



Well-Known Member
Bummer man, sorry about your plants. Hope all is well. That sucks about no studs. Maybe put a L bracket on both wall studs and screw a roof stud in yourself?


Well-Known Member
Yea sirbudd its drywall. As for the studs...I went out and bought a stud finder before I put the light in but every time I would screw into where there was supposed to be a stud it would be the same as screwing into the drywall. My screws not long enough to reach the studd?


Well-Known Member
Yea sirbudd its drywall. As for the studs...I went out and bought a stud finder before I put the light in but every time I would screw into where there was supposed to be a stud it would be the same as screwing into the drywall. My screws not long enough to reach the studd?
lol, well unless the wall was a "floating wall" i would assume a 1" screw would hit it! they do sell these dry wall anchors that insert into drywall and then spread out to hold in what you need....this will work....go hit home depot!


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, not to hijack your thread,nut my cat knocked one of my bulbs down from about 3 feet off of the ground.It's still in its cardboard box, there is no visible damage, and the floor is carpeted.Should be ok, right?Are they a fairly tough kinda bulb?


Well-Known Member
chicken wire on ceiling... Screwed to the joists that must be up there around the edge or something.


Well-Known Member
Hey, not to hijack your thread,nut my cat knocked one of my bulbs down from about 3 feet off of the ground.It's still in its cardboard box, there is no visible damage, and the floor is carpeted.Should be ok, right?Are they a fairly tough kinda bulb?
your right you should not hijack...but as long as it looks intact it should be fine...they are actually pretty well built



Well-Known Member
lol, well unless the wall was a "floating wall" i would assume a 1" screw would hit it! they do sell these dry wall anchors that insert into drywall and then spread out to hold in what you need....this will work....go hit home depot!

Ahhh I love you! I totally forgot about those screws that spread out. Home depot here I come....expect a new update within the hour~~!!


Well-Known Member
there has to be studs in there holding the drywall up studs are 16"oc. stud finders dont work worth a shit. just run a screw in every inch u till you hit a stud. then go back and pach the holes.


Well-Known Member
there has to be studs in there holding the drywall up studs are 16"oc. stud finders dont work worth a shit. just run a screw in every inch u till you hit a stud. then go back and pach the holes.
That's a problem because sometimes idiot contractors run wire right along the sheetrock. I ran into an electric line doing that exact same thing in my closet that has no overhead light. Thought I was safe, nope! Thankfully it fucked the drill and not me.


New Member
Yea sirbudd its drywall. As for the studs...I went out and bought a stud finder before I put the light in but every time I would screw into where there was supposed to be a stud it would be the same as screwing into the drywall. My screws not long enough to reach the studd?
I had the same problem... I went and bought new wider and longer ceiling screws and it ended up working good. You might not be going deep enough...

If that doesn't work, try using L brackets and putting up a shelf and using the screws on the bottom of that, then hang the light from the bottom of the shelf.