1000w bulbs (HPS) Where to buy?


Well-Known Member
In need of a couple HPS 1k bulbs. Never had to buy them before, always got them in trade or whatever. Anyways Im strapped for cash and need the most bang for my buck. What to do.... + reps of course for the best deals you can find Thanx:peace:


Well-Known Member
but remeber what i said before..it bottom of the line stuff and a magnetic ballast just do a lil google on the differece between the two


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention, already have the ballasts and hoods. So these are good bulbs for the $$$??


Well-Known Member
yeah man its a good bulb for the money..i think my bulb was like 120 but growbright is a good product..just remember you get wha tyou pay for in anything..BUT if thats all teh money you have then you ahve no choice