100W MH from home depot.


Active Member
im new so i dont really know but i think if you used it in addition to the 4 cfls it would prolly be rocking. How did you get the 100w mh from home depot set up? Me and my buddy got 2 and it has 3 wires and we dont really know what to do to light it up.


Well-Known Member
at least 40 watts per square foot is ideal. Less will work but you'll be wishing you had more. That number is from one of Ed Rosenthals books


Well-Known Member
Yeah id recoommend u return it and get a cheap mh or hps. Or even better a. Ceramin metal halide. (Hps and mh in one bulb)

3 wire hook up is like hookin up any normal house hold circuit. Hot, neutral and a ground. Google how to wire house hold items with a ground and wollah!


Active Member
Sorry for the late reply here. My bagseed plant never really took off and eventually began to die, so I put it out of it's misery and am focusing solely on my WW from Nirvana. The MH from Home Depot is working out well, on it's 7th or 8th internode. The big advantage I've found of the fixture I bought is that the bulb is completely sealed off by glass; it helps heat issues greatly.