101 reasons why i shouldn't be growing


reason #1 poor lighting conditions led to super stretchy plants. documented in this thread https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/285004-morning-stretch.html

reason #2 and the cause of this post. my plants are turning from a lush green to a pale green/yellow and all but stopped growing over the last 3 days or so. i was thinking this was from my top soil not being as top shelf as the garden store made it sound. possibly they just wanted to get rid of stock they didn't want anymore. so about an hour or so before the lights came back on. i mixed a 1/4 to 1/2 strength solution of my nutes (pura vida 6-4-3) into a spray bottle, and gave my plants some lovin' and also gave the soil a nice spray down.

each plant really didn't get much maybe 1/2 liter spread out amongst 8 plants. they are less than 2 weeks in the soil and i'm worried about burning them. so i didn't want to give them a good solid feeding yet. just wanted to help them get back on track a little. but now i'm thinking their might be something else causing the stunted growth and discoloration. not because i have a reason to doubt my original thinking, i'm just nervous i've mis-diagnosed and now exacerbating the problem.

i wanted a single thread i could post all my stupid questions and problems to instead of 101 threads about each one. so i'm curious what the rest of you think about this. thanks to all of you for your input it's much appreciated.

grow journal: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/285317-super-duty-fruity-1-a.html
grow photos: https://www.rollitup.org/members/kophey-202025/albums/super-duty-fruity-1-10004/