10x10 shed Design experts?


Well-Known Member
I have an empty 10x10 shed bout 8 feet tall. How would I be best served making this a fully funtional clone to harvest room? I'd like to use my CAP ebb and flow buckets and start playing with co2 in this project.

Lets hear it, lighting, venting etc etc. Thanks alot Wish there was a way to reward an awesome design project help, I'd certainly entertain anything!


New Member
10 X 10... hmm... lets say 1400 to 2200 Watts, 8 inch HO fans...

Seems to me that you have given almost no information. what do you have, how experienced are you, how much do you want to grow...


Well-Known Member
I have a little bit of equipment, 1 1000 3 400's I would buy whatever I needed. I'm new but learning everyday, have had a couple of good grows but am struggling with one now. I'd like to pop out 2 lbs every other month???? I have 2 8 inch ho fans

Thanks alot
10x10 is what I'm growing in , I'm running 2k lights,
cap ebb and gro system running 12 buckets ,tell u this it's seem like
alot of rooms but man once those plants took off they took off!!
U can turn half and half for flower room, depends on how many lights
u wanna run ect.....


Well-Known Member
Yea I figured maybe 25% for clone/veg and the other to flower, just wondering what the best light set up would be. I think I'm gonna go with 4 600's and research the best co2 system. I have all the fans and ac I need just really wanna fine tune this next grow for maximum effieciency I'd like to grow 16 or so plants at least.Thanks alot Anyone have a schematic to follow to set it up right?


Well-Known Member
i would biuld a 4x5' room inside for cloning and moms, then have 2- 1000s flowering.the rest of the corner next to the mom room is where the res and doorway should go this will keep your res out of to much direct light and cooler. You will end up with a 6x10 which would be just a bit big for 2000 IMO but with 3-400 yu could add one at each end by the walls for a little extra, and use the other fro the ladies in the closet. i run 15 in ebb&gro in a 5x9 room w/ 1000 and a600 due to lack of power, but I'm tring to upgrade for 2000+


Active Member
Hi i also have a shed that size that im in the process of setting up. I noticed you have an AC , did you bother insulating the shed first?


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm going to insulate whole shed prior to set up. What the best material to build walls out of I'd like to use something thin as to not take up to much same. I guess I could frame up insulation boards but that take away from shrinking room already????? Thanks alot I'm going to be growing NL#5


Well-Known Member
the easiest way to seperate rooms is draip some thick black visqueen floor to ceiling. it also helps keep temps the same as opposed to walls


Well-Known Member
I'm about to drop some cash on some new light, Anyone have any real experience with the Sun Pulse spinning systems???? Looking to set up 24 plants max either in an L shape or just straight rows.

Only other consideration would be 6 600's running each over 4 plants?!


Well-Known Member
I would think 2 - 4x8 areas would be good. That'll give you about two foot down either side to work in. You could cover that with 4x600w pretty easy. The exhaust you could create an 8" to 10-12" manifold with one oversized exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
If it is for your pleasure I would go with two 1000w on one side. The 1000 will let you take advantage of the 8 foot heigth anything less and your not maxamising the potental. 2 8inch cool tubes and 8inch fan, once you get rolling you can add a third light if you don't find you only need 1/4 for mom and clones. To vent the shed you need to be able to change the air every 2 minuits = 10x10x8 = 800 sq feet you need a fan that can move 430 cfpm at minimum. you also need a hole to let lots of new air in.

Just some thoughts
