12-12 from seed. Dutch method?


Active Member
Hi folks. This was an interesting thread on the chronic forum.

HomeGrown420 - Opinions on this new 'Dutch' method?

Anyone here doing this? I think I want to go this route. There are a few good things about this method.

1. Lights are on only 12/12, This will mean a lower electric bill.

2. No two rooms, since you are always in flower mode. Nice to have to only worry about 1 schedule--just set the timer and forget.

3. Always add extra seedlings whenever you want. Each plant can grow as slow or as fast as you want. Put some new seedlings in at any time and start them off, it has nothing to do with other plants and when they are ready to harvest.

4. Supposedly, these guys are getting 70-80 percent females.

5. Nutes only for flower, no more worrying about veg nutes.

6. Small pots, so you can have more plants at once. You don't get as much bud as with a normal beg plant, but you can grow more plants at once.

7. Not much side growth, so the top colas get all the energy and concentration.

Anyway, please read the thread. Some very ineteresting stuff there.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
So your growing more small plants now you need bigger or more lights to cover the larger area so now you back into the same amount of money youd have with growing larger lollipopped plants and your also risking imature plants with slow growth if from seed if from clone not such an issue


Well-Known Member
So for you guys that are already doing this, how is it?

Whats your guys opinion?
This one is from seed on 12/12 is nearly 20" tall(including pot height) and is 3 weeks and 4 days old and is already flowering.
Have already removed several huge fan leaves.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Plant doesnt look so good not even mature in nodes but I guess someone has to always try something new.I wouldnt do it.I give at least 10-12 days 24 hour light on my clones then go 12 /12 that gives enough node growth and then they kick in for 5 weeks of flower then done


Well-Known Member
If the growth rate keeps up as it is,i hope to get a 24" stick of bud at least from it.
That pic is 4 days old and has grown since then and i will post new pics every friday into my thread crossing triploid male if you want to look.
I have many plants that are grown with no veg,so far all fine:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Plant doesnt look so good not even mature in nodes but I guess someone has to always try something new.I wouldnt do it.I give at least 10-12 days 24 hour light on my clones then go 12 /12 that gives enough node growth and then they kick in for 5 weeks of flower then done
The only clone in that picture is the incy little bugger near the fluro tube and that was a stalk from a small piece of bud that i smoked and then cloned and i mean small lol.

And in what way do you think that a 3 week old plant thats nearly 20" and has had 6 huge leaves removed looks bad?

Here is an older plant that has had no veg at all and you have to bear in mind that i have grown a lot of big plants and to be honest with you the amount of space that i have available to me is small and this way yields more and more often as i have permanent crops:blsmoke:

Plant below is 7 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
Theres a few things i have to say about this.

1 I'm pretty sure this isn't a dutch method i'm pretty sure this is just normal in the tropics. They only get 12 hours light per day everday of the year.

Yes you can grow straight from 12/12 at seed, this generallly works out better with a sativa.

The only problem with 12/12 from seed is that people don't understand it, they think the plant is flowering as soon as it cracks, but its just not. It's just vegging with 12 hour lighting. The plant will not be flowering until it shows sex, you can't make a plant show sex earlier than it wants to show.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The second picture looks better the first had no nodes really just the start of nodes.Hers a look at my plants which went 10 days veg and just finished week 2 of 12/12 and as today will be day 1 of the 3rd week



Well-Known Member
The second picture looks better the first had no nodes really just the start of nodes.Hers a look at my plants which went 10 days veg and just finished week 2 of 12/12 and as today will be day 1 of the 3rd week
They is looking sweet dude but i just have a crappy old closet and soil and no mylar and one basic 400watt hps,im also only using tomato food and mollasses and its grown from seed.
Those plants look cool but they look hydro to me,no offence,and they also look like clones.
Anyway im not saying anything about anyones growing methods as i rekon as ive said before you could put a seed in your asshole and point your ass at the sun and it would probly grow into something smokeable,all im saying is that you can achieve results with 12/12 and really everyone has to do what suits their style the best,if i didnt breed seeds purposefully i would probably do what you do and i would never do 12/12 if i had to pay for seeds:blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You got it.That is an aero grow and they are clones. 5 dsys to root then 10 days veg then right into 12/12 under 2 600 watt lights


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Not sure my comments stated with clone the 12/12 might work better then from seed and Im growing clones so thats related to each other. I showed what a week or so of 24 hour light veg then 12/12 can look like compared to direct 12/12 slower growth. Now soil is different then nasty old dirt but the light times are the main point. If the 12/12 direct can get my grows down for 6 weeks from start to harvest and give me equal yields itd interst me but I have room for 2 grow areas and thats the main factor Id think