12 12 from seed to determine sex, then reveg?


Active Member
OK so i had set some seed germinating in rockwool, and after 4 days none popped so i set 2 more to go, and now of course all of them sprouted and i have 4, but my growing enclosure only has room for 2, which will be done 12 12 from seed, so what im wondering is can i put them all under 12 12, put 2 fems in my growbox, and if there are anymore, put them back on 18 6 and veg for a while until i have room in my box? or will this stress them and possibly turn them hermie? oh also do you guys think 1 27 watt6500k cfl above each seedling is enough for the time being until i get them situated? i dont want any of my seeds to be wasted :bigjoint: