12 hours light, 14 hours dark


Well-Known Member
Longer light = more/better buds

A good friend of mine and I were sharing an idea over a few joints about a year ago and I though I would share the experiment results with you.

One major thing people seem to forget when dealing with plants is that they're not genetically preset to run on 24 hour days. As far as day and night goes, the only thing the plant recognizes is light and dark (and climate change but bear with me here)

Through alot of years of cultivation people decided the best way to flower is 12 hours light 12 hours dark. This makes sense since we have 24 hour days, and timers only have 24 hours on them, and everyone know 'bud production'(lamens term) takes place during the dark period.

He took 124 seeds from the same pound of bag weed and grew them in 3 crops.

This is an indica strain, and through all 3 crops the nutrients, air circulation, tempurature, pots, and lighting were all unchanged, and NO CLONES were used.

The first and second crop he grew he used the 24hr veg and 12/12 photo to flower. He vegged them both for 4 weeks then the first crop took alittle over 8 weeks For the trichomes to be at their peak, and the second just under 8 weeks. Total he had 62 females and finished with 98 ounce dried weight. Thats 1.58 ounces per plant

*****This is where the experiment takes place. The third crop he ran on 24 hrs veg for 4 weeks then switched to 12 hours of light and 14 HOURS of dark. This is where it gets interesting. In alittle under 5 weeks some of the plants were ready to harvest and by the middle of the 6th they were all ready.

Keep in mind the growing conditions were not changed other than the lighting schedule and all seeds are from the same bag.

18 plants generated 30.5 ounces of dried weight thats 1.69 ounces per plant, and the taste was VERY different than the previous 2. They had more of a skunky sweet taste, and they were just as potent if not more.

We determined potency by comparing it to already dried herb we'd frozen for just this reason to keep it fresh.

The only drawbacks we found are that it takes an extra day and a half avg. to cure, and you have to work the lights manually unless you get an expensive timer because they only come in 24 hours intervals.

Result: More dark = better taste and more bud avg over less of a lifespan.

Has anyoene else heard of this or tried it?

Im very eager to discuss this subject and I can answer any questions you guys have for him. I'd be interested in just how much the lighting schedule can be tweaked. He wants to try a 13/16 schedule next.


Well-Known Member
i have one plant in flower mode right now and im goin to do that im gonna do 12/14 i am in week 2 now so holler in about 6 weeks ill let ya know


Well-Known Member
you could prob get a digital programable timer that would do this,.... but it sounds like a huge pain in the ass for almost nothing in difference,..... if in fact this was scientifically done under controlled conditions, you're saying there was 11/10ths of an oz difference?? shit how the buds were trimmed could account for this,... or they could have taken an extra day to cure cuz the got a little more water right before harvest or maybe the humidity was a little higher,.... its all bull shit, why try to reinvent the wheel when there are decades of proven expirience and results to go by