12 hrs and droooooooop


Well-Known Member
im runnin a 400w hps on 6 plants from bagseed. temps are 85 at the most.

at about 12 hrs into lights on, my leaves start to droop. i know its affectin growth cause they are only 6-8 inches tall and 5-6 nodes high.

is it too much light or what..im up to about 18 inches away now and im still confused.


Well-Known Member
The leaves are drooping at the end of the light cycle because the plants have an internal clock which tells them that its almost night night time.


Well-Known Member
My last two did that droop thing at night too, wass worried till i woke up and they pointed up again. Two new plants, neither do it. Friend has an outdoor plant, and it only does it sometimes. Pont- U'll never know unless u let it grow


Well-Known Member
thats what they do,..droop at the end and perk right back up in the morn..should i start to flower soon?? thank you all ahead of time +rep...


Well-Known Member
Depends on how much space u have to work with, and how much of that space ur willing to use. Plan on ur plants doubling in size during flowering.


Well-Known Member
yea my blueberry clones about 24 days old now and it does the same thing at about 4 hours before the kights go out she starts to droop scared me to but shes usually happy and perky after she wakes up. occasionally tho when the lights come back on again she isnt perked up to her full potential should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
i thought i was overwatering....guess not, cool. didnt think watering every 3 days was too much.....