1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal


Hi everyone!

I just started a grow yesterday. Ill state my equipment:

Grow area 1: 4x4 ft
GHE Dutch Pots Hydro System (12 bucket system)
600w Philips bulb
Adjust-A-Wings medium reflector
Philips 600w Magnetic ballast
Some fans

Grow area 2: 4x4 ft
11 pots filled with ATAMI soil premixed
600w Philips bulb
Adjust-A-Wings medium reflector
BAL Electronic ballast
Water reservoir with circulation pump and a pump which leads to 11 drippers
Some fans

For grow area 1 I got 12 clones and for grow area 2 I've got 11 clones, all Bubbles.

For the soil system I use Terra Flores of Canna
For the hydro I use GHE basic hydro nutrients and Ripen (Also from GHE)

Yesterday i filled the res's, added the recommended nutes and balanced PH at 5.6

Pics will follow.



Here are some pictures of both grow area's. Both are now on 18/6 which ill keep em at for a few days... I think on friday or saturday ill pu em on 12/12, what do you guys think? Temps are between 20 C and 26 C.


Thanks for the reply!

Ive done hydro before with the same system and although it yields (compared to soil) more I find that the bud tastes less good then the soil grow...


Well-Known Member
im really interested in this as im thinking of trying hydro next, interesting you say about the taste as i seem to read mixed reviews some say down to how well flushed, due to heart problems i cant make my own mind up any more!!! never tried my own sad eh?? you say youve hydrod before so what are you hoping to see??


my last hydro grow i flushed with plain water, now i will be using GHE Ripen for the last 10 days to see how it'll pan out. Ive read good things about it (mainly about it packing on weight) but we'll see how the taste is. Ill be able to compare quite well i think with my 2 closets hehehe :D



The soil is going great! I just fimmed them, here are some fresh pics. I also just measured the PH of my hydro res, its 6.5... Which means the PH went up by 1 whole point in just 4 days. We'll see how it is in 2 days and maybe do a res change or add some PH down.


Well-Known Member
Very nice setup!!!! I'm out of rep at the moment but I'll get you as soon as I have some.:clap:

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hey man, im here to stalk your fine grow and find out is hydro really more rewarding...Keep up the good work mann...:peace:



Did a res change today on the hydro system. EC 1.2 Ph balanced on 5.5 with 3-2-1 on the GHE Grow, Micro and Bloom. They are growing nicely I think :D Temps are a bit low with night temps @ 17 celcius and day temps @ 25. Ill change that soon (tomorrow) to get it back to normal (20-28 celcius).


So yesterday the EC went up to 1.6 and the Ph to 6.0 so I added plain water so the EC was 1.1 and then balanced Ph to 5.5.

mayor juana

Active Member
Hey Windex, things are looking good buddy, keep it up! Do you think you can get better light coverage if you turn that batwing 90 degrees? Maybe not but when I grew with horizontal bulbs it seemed like the coverage was wider that way.


4 days ago I put them on 12/12. For the hydro i did 3-2-1 on the GHE nutes for a while still to prevent foliar damage, they arent looking to good :( Soil however is going great!

Ill take a pic of the hydro setup as soon as the light go on there! :D


Hey Windex, things are looking good buddy, keep it up! Do you think you can get better light coverage if you turn that batwing 90 degrees? Maybe not but when I grew with horizontal bulbs it seemed like the coverage was wider that way.
Hey Mayor! Im not sure that it would, cuz wouldnt it then only be able to catch 1 row of plants instead of all of them? Thanks for the suggestion though!