12V fan power


Well-Known Member
From Canada's equivelent of radio shack i bought an adjustable volts charger(5,7,9, and 12) allowing me to control the speed of my 7 computer fans. It runs at 2500 mA so you can hook up alot of fans. It was 40 bucks, a bit pricey but it has served me very well for a year now so I am very happy with the price. Sorry but I don't have a link. Happy growing.


Active Member

I bought that fan for my micro cab. I have it hooked up to a cell phone charger now but the output on that is only 5V. Whats out there to be recycled that puts out 12V? Is there anything I can just buy that will allow me to control the speed? I have like 8 different types of adapters but they all have out puts less than 9V.
You want this my friend


the voltage regulator acts as fan speed control.

It comes in 600 and 1300ma versions so based on your fans power draw you can save a dollar or so. Walmart also carries these for a few bucks more then amazon.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your responses. Enclaved that is what I need, I actually even have one somewhere, back home from my childhood electric keyboard. I just for the life of me could not think of a solution, thanks for the link. I will probably just buy one at walmart. One more question. My fan has aluminum wires does it matter if the adapter is copper or aluminum.?

You want this my friend


the voltage regulator acts as fan speed control.

It comes in 600 and 1300ma versions so based on your fans power draw you can save a dollar or so. Walmart also carries these for a few bucks more then amazon.