13 days old from sprout, whats wrong?


Well-Known Member
Ok so they dont really look that bad, ive got two plants that have their first fan leaves wilting really strange looking and I think they are almost ready to transplant... ive got them in 6 inch 1.5qt pots. I also started LST'ing them today, what do you guys think?? All the new growth is green, no yellowing, just the bottom leaves are kinda sick on two of the plants.. the third pic is a picture of the best looking one, and the pictures after that show a lil of the LST im doing.

Also when can I start feeding 1/4 strength fox farm grow big once a week?? Some of the plants seed leaves have yellowed and peeled off.

By the way when you do finally transplant, do you take the whole plant w/ soil out of the pot, then mash the soil lightly so that just the roots remain hanging from the plant and then stick them in new soil? or do you try to keep the soil ball of roots intact as much as possible and place it in a hole in the new pot your putting it in??

Thanks! :joint::peace:



Well-Known Member
are u growing with CFL'S and how close are the plants to the light???? try moving the light away from ur plants and make sure both of them have enough space and can BREATH cuz that same thing happens to mine when they start getting to close to the walls and lioghts


Well-Known Member
keep the roots intact as possible,personally ur plant looks fine and healthy. some leaves are goin to naturally die off,dont worry bout it so much.


Well-Known Member
are u growing with CFL'S and how close are the plants to the light???? try moving the light away from ur plants and make sure both of them have enough space and can BREATH cuz that same thing happens to mine when they start getting to close to the walls and lioghts
Thanks ill keep the distance so they can breathe in mind. I am using CFL's and they are far enough away that the temperature at the tops of the plants is not exceeding 83 or so degrees.. its usually around its favorite 78 degree point.

keep the roots intact as possible,personally ur plant looks fine and healthy. some leaves are goin to naturally die off,dont worry bout it so much.

Thanks! :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
even if its not that hot it will still get like that... ill post of pic of mine when i ignored it and didnt realize it was happening
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Well-Known Member
lol i juss rread it too i dont know what the fuk i ment but what i really ment to type is ill post a pic of mine to show u what happened when it gets to close to the wall and lights at the same time maybe it looks like urs


Well-Known Member
By the way when you do finally transplant, do you take the whole plant w/ soil out of the pot, then mash the soil lightly so that just the roots remain hanging from the plant and then stick them in new soil? or do you try to keep the soil ball of roots intact as much as possible and place it in a hole in the new pot your putting it in??
yes you want to keep it all it should be easy.

ok wait till the roote are starting to coil at the bottom water then put your first 2 fingers on eather side of the plant. tip it over tap on the bottom. it should slide right out. then you have your plant with your roote up plant down now if you have wated for the roots to coil at the botton. you take sissors and make 2 small cuts in the roots on eather side this will make the roots grow quicker.

i cant tell you what your brown spots are as i dont know what your light fan nuts


Well-Known Member
that makes sense now.im freaking happy cus b4 i signed on,i checked my lr2 and the main cola is 3in wide,u can see a pic under one of my galleys.it gained an in in 3 days,its putting on so much weight,gettin more excited, i think its goin to be more than 30g.im goin to update the pic in a week or so


Well-Known Member
By the way when you do finally transplant, do you take the whole plant w/ soil out of the pot, then mash the soil lightly so that just the roots remain hanging from the plant and then stick them in new soil? or do you try to keep the soil ball of roots intact as much as possible and place it in a hole in the new pot your putting it in??
yes you want to keep it all it should be easy.

ok wait till the roote are starting to coil at the bottom water then put your first 2 fingers on eather side of the plant. tip it over tap on the bottom. it should slide right out. then you have your plant with your roote up plant down now if you have wated for the roots to coil at the botton. you take sissors and make 2 small cuts in the roots on eather side this will make the roots grow quicker.

i cant tell you what your brown spots are as i dont know what your light fan nuts
ive got fans on 24/7, no nutes as of yet.. did a soil ph and nitrogen test.. ph was 7, nitrogen was med/high.


Well-Known Member
I believe they were rootbound... b/c when i transplanted them it was one nice solid piece with roots wrapped around it everywhere.. quite nice to see actually... the one in the ceramic pot I manhandled sooo bad.. I tore the crap out of the rootmass... it hasnt shown any shock what-so-ever yet tho... strange.. how long does shock take to show?? b/c its been almost 24hrs since the transplant.. (22hrs)