13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!


Hey all! I have (what I think) is a pure Sativa that has been flowering for 13 weeks. I have been keeping an eye on the trich's with a 100X microscope. I have searched the entire plant and cannot find any of the Capitate Stalked trich's. I mean NONE!!! The plant has only the bulbous and the sessile so I'm wondering if this means that the plant is a dud or if is has longer to flower? The leaves are starting to yellow and die off so I don't know if I should just toss it to give my other plants more room or give it more time..Any ideas are really appreciated.
Growing in Pro-mix, under a 400 watt HPS. 12/12 schedule and using Botanicare nute's.


Active Member
hmmm...don't know what to say really. I also use a 400w and get pretty great results...not huge yields but nice dense nug packed with trichomes. Is this your only plant right now?


No I have several others, but this is the only one that is like this. I have done several grows with great results! Just thought that this was going to be a longer flower than the others as every one else usually finishes in 8 weeks..but you would think at 13 weeks there would be some sign of trich's..I don't know..The husband tried some tonight and got nothing off of it so I'm thinking its probably a dud.. :(


Active Member
My Lost Coast OG could be harvested at 8 if I really needed it, but most of mine come down at 10wks. Though, i have a Chocolope that i just threw under the 400w Ushio hps about a week ago and i feel it's going to be a minimum 11-12wk harvest time. Only my second go with her so i'm very very excited!!! My first crop was very skunky, easily three times more stinky than any other plant i've grown. It grows pretty slow for me in veg though which is annoying. I'm just waiting to see what it yields cause the wait might be worth it.

Happy growing! Hope you don't get any more duds!


2 Gallon pot..I would think that pot size would affect the size and yield of the plant not trich development..but at this point I'm at a loss as to why it's like this. She's a nice plant but has very light and fluffy buds. She's still throwing out new pistols also. I think we're just going to scrap it as you would think at this point there would be something! Going to wait another few days before we do anything tho so please feel free to chime in any one!!


Thanks 650- same to you. She's been my only dud other than bunk seeds from attitude. I've had pretty good luck so far with the indica - indica hybrid so I think that's what we will stick too..I'm not too sad tho' as I have some swamp monster, herijuana jack, LSD and Ch9 I just started so no worries lol just would be nice to be able to harvest her ya know..


Your original post makes sense now. You have no capitates with flowers that size. Amazing.

It is unfortunate that you don't have macro capability.

A good second best is to continue with the plant as you have, unless space is critical, and post your observations with microscope changes. If a late bloomer, that would be important information.


Well-Known Member
Pics of what??? There is nothing to take a picture of.
Ha! Quite.

How can someone take a picture of the absence of something?

As per the thread - I love Sativa, give her as long as she needs and then sell her to me for stupid money to recoup losses! ;-)


Yeah, I thought of pulling her today but I just don't have the heart lol..Guess I'll give her a few more weeks and see how she does. So frustrating!


How long can a Sativa go? I had thought 14 weeks top but now I have read they can go indefinitely?? And I'm still at a loss as to why there are no trichs, and no smell..Ah well another experiment I guess lol


Well-Known Member
Longest flowering time I had was 13.5 weeks on a mutant green pheno killing fields. She was short and bushy, but did something similar to yours - in that she didn't have proper trichs until late, I think they appeared about week 10 (when I had already been harvesting the other phenos). It was early when I took her too - 10% cloudy 90% clear trichs, no amber - but she was still the strongest 'up' weed I've grown yet. I'm about to grow some Sannies Jack which has 15 week phenos, I'm hoping to get one.