150w Cfl, Purple d & Sour d, Flowering from Aug 29, Yellow Leaves Normal?


Well-Known Member
hey guys,

here are some shots of sour d, hanging for 2 days. semi-dry weight is 16.5g -- guessing it'll go down to 14g, or 1/2 oz:



by the way, i tested one of those accidentally clipped buds last... anyone want a smoke report?

and here is purple d, curing for 10 days, and looking & smelling great :) . after giving some away and :bigjoint: some myself, she's down to about 10g:




Well-Known Member
I'm curious to hear how it smokesbongsmilie

Looks good, can you beam me a nug to sample please :clap:
Thanks ST! Well, I can tell you that the first sampe smoked kinda harsh (as expected) but the high was amazing. Soaring, uplifting, good-mood inducing, energetic, etc. Completely different than purple d which is more relaxing and a bit drowsy. But then again, I've always been a sativa fan :) . I can only imagine what it'll be like after it's properly cured. I'll be here to report, of course.

That SourD is starting to look crispy and delicious!! Do you have plans for a future grow or...?
It is getting there! I think tonight or tomorrow morning (4 days hanging) it'll be ready for jars. I convinced my gf to do another grow ;) but probably won't start that till January, maybe time it so I can sample on 4/20! I'm not a huge consumer so I think my near-ounce (from purple d + sour d) should pretty much last me till then.

Thanks for posting +rep to all. Anyone else growing sour d or grown it in the past? Man, it is one sweet herb :leaf:

Peace all, any other comments appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Thanks ST! Well, I can tell you that the first sampe smoked kinda harsh (as expected) but the high was amazing. Soaring, uplifting, good-mood inducing, energetic, etc. Completely different than purple d which is more relaxing and a bit drowsy. But then again, I've always been a sativa fan :) . I can only imagine what it'll be like after it's properly cured. I'll be here to report, of course.

It is getting there! I think tonight or tomorrow morning (4 days hanging) it'll be ready for jars. I convinced my gf to do another grow ;) but probably won't start that till January, maybe time it so I can sample on 4/20! I'm not a huge consumer so I think my near-ounce (from purple d + sour d) should pretty much last me till then.

Thanks for posting +rep to all. Anyone else growing sour d or grown it in the past? Man, it is one sweet herb :leaf:

Peace all, any other comments appreciated!
Sounds like my kind of bud! :) Glad to hear everythings turning out well for you.

+rep for a job well done!


Well-Known Member
after much thought and deliberation, i can see i've over dried my sour diesel a bit. live and learn i guess... i'm trying to return some moisture with lemon peel in the jar, but not sure how much that'll help.

does anyone know if overdrying affects potency or type of high? i know it affects the flavor and burn, but those don't matter too much to me, because i usually vape...


Well-Known Member
I can tell you that my shortrider still got me blazzed and I over dried her.. I'm not to sure if it losses potency though, I'm sure it will still be dank out of that vap !


Well-Known Member
go for a small mixture of lemon, lime, and orange peels... it will bring the citrusy taste from the lemon and lime and the orange peel will sweeten it up... your harvest looks great man... i'll prolly end up harvesting late january... not bad atall for your first grow and the fact that my first grow inspiredu, im honored man.....


Well-Known Member
I can tell you that my shortrider still got me blazzed and I over dried her.. I'm not to sure if it losses potency though, I'm sure it will still be dank out of that vap !
yeah, i can tell you that it is pretty dank :) i guess the worst thing is that it'll end up drying out a little sooner than usual, but on the positive side i won't have to worry about mold when i leave town!

go for a small mixture of lemon, lime, and orange peels... it will bring the citrusy taste from the lemon and lime and the orange peel will sweeten it up... your harvest looks great man... i'll prolly end up harvesting late january... not bad atall for your first grow and the fact that my first grow inspiredu, im honored man.....
thanks micro! that means a lot. you definitely inspired me to journal everything and take pics as i go. now as i look back at my 700+ pics (!!!), with the plants so full of life, it only makes me want to start over lol. but yeah, all things considered, this went pretty damn well, and i've learned a crap load for next time. a little slice of lemon peel is in the jar, by the way (maybe i'll add orange and lime tomorrow). i'll check the moisture in a little while and decide whether to keep it in there overnight. i guess it won't change things too much, just help the flavor and maybe "uncrisp" the buds a little bit so they're less brittle.

anyway, thanks to both you guys and everyone else who stopped in for the invaluable advice! wish i could send you guys a couple samples lol.


Well-Known Member
just watch it good... i helped a dude out last year that was growing outta rubbermaids with the peel mixyure... just make sure thepeel is not touching any of the bud...... i believe he went by kntrl or something like that...


Well-Known Member
just watch it good... i helped a dude out last year that was growing outta rubbermaids with the peel mixyure... just make sure thepeel is not touching any of the bud...... i believe he went by kntrl or something like that...
good call micro. i just taped a little piece of lemon peel to the inside lid of the mason jar. that plus a little piece of wet paper towel brought the RH back up to 65%, so now i removed the paper towel, and just left the lemon peel. i realize i'm not gonna get it to be perfectly cured, but at least this method seems to be slowing down the hairs that fall off when i move the buds around. although those hairs are perfect for a quick pipe hit :bigjoint:. gonna check out your scrog now!


Well-Known Member
Hey homer, thank's for the Rep dude. That looks like some nice smokke you got there! Great job for your first go! Just wondering, did the Purp D have any colour to it? Im running some Big Budda's Chiesel and was lucky enough to get a Purple Pheno out of 2 seeds. Check Them out in my link, that's me coming near the end and this Chiesel has really suprised me! think its gonna be my new Private Stock. Deff. one for keeping!



Well-Known Member
Hey homer, thank's for the Rep dude. That looks like some nice smokke you got there! Great job for your first go! Just wondering, did the Purp D have any colour to it? Im running some Big Budda's Chiesel and was lucky enough to get a Purple Pheno out of 2 seeds. Check Them out in my link, that's me coming near the end and this Chiesel has really suprised me! think its gonna be my new Private Stock. Deff. one for keeping!

hey jambo, no prob, and thanks for the comment! unfortunately i didn't get any purple pheno off of "purple d" whatsoever, not even a hint. i always wondered if it was really a purple diesel like the dispensary person told me it was... all i know is that it has some obvious indica properties when smoked, and it was shorter and bushier than the sour diesel that grew right next to it. so... that's about it. luckily that one is curing nicely.

as for the sour d, i'm still getting kind of a nasty smell. the moisture level is back to normal (around 58% in the jar, thanks to the orange peel) but i know i screwed up by drying too fast and for too long. personally i don't care too much about flavor and smell -- my main concern is the HIIIIIIIGH, and all is well on that front lol...

i'll go check your chiesel now! peace.


Well-Known Member
hey brothas and sistas...

good news on the sour diesel front. i guess i didn't really over dry it at all (either that or the moist paper towel plus peel did miracles). it's feeling perfect now, crispy on the outside, still kinda pliable when i break into a bud. smell is improving ever so slowly. i bought a little rh meter, and it's saying 61% which i think is the sweet spot.

oh, also i put some on the vape last night. woooooooh..... dank.

thought i'd let you all know. and by the way, purple d is smelling like a sweet bouquet of marijiuana roses :) . hopefully sour d will get there with time...