150W ESL/CFL Stealth Cab - First Grow - Auto Northern Lights


Hello everyone, to start off this is my first grow and I'm doing Autoflower Northern Lights by Nirvana.
They are about 10 days old, and I ordered my 150W ESL 6400k by Envirogro yesterday.
I will be buying a reflector hood for it too.

Here is my cab, still under construction.


Now I have a few questions about nutrients..
Should I use BioBizz, Atami, Advanced Nutrients, Canna or VitaLink?
When do I start and what do I use for the veg and flower stage?
Do I need anything more than bloom and grow?

Here are a few pics of the plants.


keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Vey nicce looking I would do some low stess training try to get as many tops as possible that way the plant is more even you don't get good buds and popcorn buds, as for nutes that's up to you but you will need a grow bloom and micro make sure you look into how to properly mix them, mostly mico first into wate then the others never mix any of the nutes straight together, you could get organic main reason is its a bit harder to burn your plants that way I would do some reading, you have time to shopp around I hope this helps man best of luck so far it looks great!!


Thanks man!

I'm most likely going to buy Biobizz grow, bloom and micro. I've heard great things about those.
Will still check the others out.

When do you suggest I start using nutes?
And when can I start LST?

Also, I have a 150W light now so how far should it be from my plants cus i put it 1 inch from them and then put the theromometer right on the same level as the plant and it got over 30'C so i lowered my plants ALOT and now have 27'C.


Active Member
When do you suggest I start using nutes?
And when can I start LST?
You really should't use ANY nutes until week 3 after sprout. Most potting soils have enough nutrients to sustain the plant at this early stage of their life. Nutes that early will just burn your seedling. As for LST, personally I would FIM/top the plant after the 4th node and then LST the offshoots that will grow from there, but everyone has their own methods of doing this. I suggest looking around at some LST guides. We got a few here on the site and if you cant find any here, there is always google. Good luck with your grow, man.


lower your light and go organic nutes
Still debating which brand and type to use but I guess I have a few weeks time to figure that out.
I will lower that light right now! Thanks.

You really should't use ANY nutes until week 3 after sprout. Most potting soils have enough nutrients to sustain the plant at this early stage of their life. Nutes that early will just burn your seedling. As for LST, personally I would FIM/top the plant after the 4th node and then LST the offshoots that will grow from there, but everyone has their own methods of doing this. I suggest looking around at some LST guides. We got a few here on the site and if you cant find any here, there is always google. Good luck with your grow, man.
Using cactus soil.. something like that. I've heard that it isn't smart to top an auto as the veg stage is so short?

On another note.. how close should I keep my plants to those lights?

Thanks for the feedback guys!


Active Member
Oh, youre doing an auto. Nvm about the topping then. For the lights, depends how hot they get and how good your vent is. But generally about 2-3 inches from your plants. Just put your hand below the lights. If its too hot for your hands, its too hot for the plants.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
yes dont top, nutes it seems like you have a good brand on mind i would stick with it when to feed them all depends on soil if it has any nutes in it at all if there is no!! nutes i would just do micro after about 3 leaves very weak tho! but the main thing is learn to read your plants, umm your cfl is plenty strong enought to be just about anywhere in that box its a very small box but i would do about 6-8 inches until she gets good roots to support her water levels, (lst) well because she is an auto i would start as soon as possible! when your see about 3 nodes its time to bend her over. once she starts to flower i wouldnt bend her to much a little is fine if a bud sight is being blocked well move it so it gets light, either move the bud sight or move whats blocking it just doing be bending her to the extream cannabis is a very hardy plant and you can train it is do anything and everything you want it to do it do.


yes dont top, nutes it seems like you have a good brand on mind i would stick with it when to feed them all depends on soil if it has any nutes in it at all if there is no!! nutes i would just do micro after about 3 leaves very weak tho! but the main thing is learn to read your plants, umm your cfl is plenty strong enought to be just about anywhere in that box its a very small box but i would do about 6-8 inches until she gets good roots to support her water levels, (lst) well because she is an auto i would start as soon as possible! when your see about 3 nodes its time to bend her over. once she starts to flower i wouldnt bend her to much a little is fine if a bud sight is being blocked well move it so it gets light, either move the bud sight or move whats blocking it just doing be bending her to the extream cannabis is a very hardy plant and you can train it is do anything and everything you want it to do it do.
Alright, covered pretty much everything I needed to hear!

Now I have some bad news.. today I woke up and walked to the front door and saw a letter.
There will be an inspection in alittle over a week. Maintinence and measure mapping.. dunno wtf that is.
I plan on having a dark period from 8am-4pm so 16/8 cycle.
Will this substantially decrease my yield compared to 18/6?

I will be putting a small piece of tape on my door so that I know once they have checked my apartment.
I will be carrying my 2 plants and light+reflector downstairs into the basement in a rubbermaid and will lightseal it and put towels and such so that it stays warm.
And then at 4pm I will go get them and place them back in the grow box.
The back of the grow box I will cover with a piece of cardboard nicely cut and taped to the back so that the fans are not visible.
I will buy magnet locks for the front so that it cannot be opened.

Any other suggestiosn guys? I'm super paranoid now.


Before I transplanted today I noticed my leaves were kind of drooping.
They have been in soil for 13 days now.

#1 is drooping more than #2 but #1's leaves are growing bigger.

Am I watering too much? I water every other day as the soil seems completely dry on the top!
What else could it be?

Got another issue, if I put my plants too close to the light they temp goes over 30..
If I lower them it will stay at 26-27'C which I've heard is perfect.
So will that 30 kill them or is it just the thermometer being sensitive or something..

Here are some pics of #1


Active Member
Dont water every other day. Check the soil to make sure it is COMPLETELY dry. Stick your finger in the dirt, if it's moist then you dont have to water. If you overwater it could lead to root problems and such. You don't want that. A good trick is to pickup the pot. If it feels light then the soil is dry. If it's on the heavy side then no need to water just yet. I did this mistake on my first grow and my roots started rotting and the seedling died.

As for the temperature, 30c is not that bad. Just put a small oscilating fan in there and it should take care of all your temp problems.


Dont water every other day. Check the soil to make sure it is COMPLETELY dry. Stick your finger in the dirt, if it's moist then you dont have to water. If you overwater it could lead to root problems and such. You don't want that. A good trick is to pickup the pot. If it feels light then the soil is dry. If it's on the heavy side then no need to water just yet. I did this mistake on my first grow and my roots started rotting and the seedling died.

As for the temperature, 30c is not that bad. Just put a small oscilating fan in there and it should take care of all your temp problems.
Hey, my bottom two leaves are drooping even more now and have slightly lost some color. I see a very light shade of yellow in them too, doesn't look too scary though. Is this caused by the transplant? I have not watered for days now. The soil still seems moist at 3 inches deep.


Are you feeding them any nutes yet? It could be nute burn.
Not yet, I will be getting some this friday.
I need to make a choice fast, should I get Biobizz Bloom and Grow?
Could it be because of the fact that I don't have perlite and I'm using water from my sink?


Alright, just ordered my BioBizz Grow and Bloom. The leaves have started to perk up and aren't drooping as bad anymore, both leaves are yellow at the bottom on both plants. I was definitely overwatering them. Going to the store tomorrow to pick up some more supplies to do alittle touching up on the cab.

1. I think it was the transplant or overwatering them that caused the leaves to go yellow at the bottom?

2. Not a deficiency?

3. What should I do if the next set of leaves start going yellow?

4. How can I lower my ph? Will baking soda, juice from squeezed lemons or vinegar help?

My AirX 17 odor control came in this morning also. I'm giving that a go.
Here are some pics.



Active Member
I'm planning a similar sized cupboard but to be honest yours looks bigger than the dimensions you gave. Is 69cm from below the pot to above the light or is that your "usable" height? I have a 1m high trunk and it looks very similar. I am planning short Sativa's so will be SCROGing, increases per plant yield significantly while controlling height, I have only done it once but it was awesome.

Can't offer any help but it looks healthy enough at the moment, I wouldn't worry.