16 000 members... almost


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see what your saying even tho we do that disclaimer saying it can't be used in court(Inadmissable) when we sign up.Was a nice thought for a minute tho...now I know better

Let people find it on their own, you guys were smart enough to, if we bring too much high attention to this site from people who have no interest in growing it could cause problems in the long run.


Well-Known Member
hi hope im not butting in?.
im new to this game and its the best hobby ive done for a long time i used to be a gardener, growing my own plants ect and have some gardening no how i seem to think?.. but if you dont no anybody who grows that can help you and show/tell you what to do when your in truble of youve"fucked them up".you can come on this foroum and get the answers,hopfully. and somtimes lots of answers but you get the rite one in the end.now im on my thrd set of plants "clones" and also got some seeds today skunk#1 but was skunk#11 fem,wtf, from niv but only gotx 4 instead of x5. but anyway i really only need 1 really and i also got big bang "greenhouse".
i want everyone growing there own, the more the merryier thats what i say. so ive been giving the odd plant or two to close friends family who smoke ive even got in my grandads garden i took them as a presant with some tom for discise//mint for smell but really i need the space thats why i dont want all my eggs in same basket.so far everytime ive grown ive done x2 just in case but out of about 36 ive only killed 2 of the clones.
trying to tell somone how to look after the plant is hard and if somone has no plant knolage and you start going on about vegg/12/12/hermies/ect they get baffled so now i give te plant to them except grandad thats a stelrth grow in his garden.ha. hope he dont eat them?. anyhows i also tell em about this forum and tell em to join up .try to keep looking, and to interact with members and learn from them and this should hopfully make there growing ex. a lot less hard and plus if they want free weed and my 1/4 commission for giving them the plants then this site is the one to learn from.
so hopfull by the end of the year ive started a chain reaction?.
loads of new members.