1k HPS First Grow


Active Member
hello all, im a total noob at growing this particular plant. building my aero systems right now, just waiting for a few more parts to arrive. was just wondering if you could gimme any suggestions on how to maximize what i have going right now. it's my first grow of this plant and my last grow of indoor soil with this plant (i hate fungus gnats sooooo much)... anyways a couple of the sativas got HUGE. the indicas stayed pretty short and bushy. growing from 2 diff seeds, the indicas in the center was from a seed i found in a bud from one of 2 plants i found on MY property which was quite surprising to me, i don't know who put them there but i hope they do not come back, i only caught a glimpse of him once when i was on the tractor, but that is a whole different story... the indicas are from bag seeds from a friend (said they came from a "very good smoke" no other info). that's all i know about the genetics. i figure my new girls from the aero cloner/vegger will be ready to go in there almost as soon as these ones are ready for harvest, or at least i hope. i am setting up 2 - 3 rail systems, 4foot in length in the 10'x4' flower room which will be under a 1k hps (been thinking about getting another or a light mover). any info/ideas/suggestions would be welcome. thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
So it's fun to go in other people's threads and act like an ass huh? So tell me, how is it a shit deal? How many HPS's have you purchased (and i'm quoting you here...) you TOTAL NOOB?!?
Look man, I had plans to come in here, and tear you a new one for messin up my poll. I'm actually trying to help TOTAL NOOBS like yourself who can't afford a 1K HPS. But when you go in there, and vote the "It's a shit deal" option, it makes people want to turn away from it...which means they'll be spending MORE money.
Look, I'm NEVER one to kick a n00b when he's new...but jesus man, your not makin this easy for me.
I shall say NOTHING about your plants, cause i'm not sure I could be nice when I do so...

My suggestion? If you want HELP from this site, it would be a nice thing for you not to try to hinder other newcomers like yourself.
Alternatively, a simple "I'm sorry, I was just playin, I didn't mean to fuck up your poll" would prompt me to drop the entire issue (although i'll prob forget it anyway), and I'd he happy to stick around and check out your grow...maybe give you some
::eyes your plants::
...pointers if needed....