1st Coco Grow - h3ad, specific nutrient ppm questions


Well-Known Member
Greetings RIU!

I’m presently 7 days into my first Coco Coir grow, and really my first grow (had to scrap the first and address some issues 3 weeks in).

I’ve been researching non-stop, and I have settled on doing the h3ad formula (6M/9B) using GH nutes. I had a couple of questions...

I’ve done extensive planning and research about NER, ppm, EC, etc. I understand and am comfortable with the ppm of each specific nutrient, and have learned how to figure out specific ppm by using the specific gravity and guaranteed analysis info. Now, for the question...

According to all of the information I’ve seen, cannabis requires more nutrients after the first two weeks of growth. My present formulation (including using 2.5 mL of calmag) is giving me roughly 111 ppm (222 EC) of N, 60 of P, around 110 of K, 100 Ca, 50 of Mg (these are rough numbers from memory). I am presently feeding at around 450 EC (225 ppm) of diluted nutrient solution. As the plants grow and get into the vegetative state, the nutrient requirements increase. For example, I’ve seen the required Nitrogen range in mid veg around 200-250. How do I reach this target, when my full strength solution (6M:9B) is only like 550ppm? Do I increase the amount proportionally (like to 12/18)? Do I leave it at 6/9 and add other things?

Anyone who could give me a definitive answer that’s experienced both with coco and growing, I’d appreciate your input. One of the problems I’m encountering as it comes to researching this stuff is the wide variations in technique among growers on forums, coupled with ample amounts of Bro science. Would love input from some more experienced growers.


Well-Known Member
Experienced with coco, growing and keeping my life easy. No offense, but there are much simpler ways to approach your first grow...not to mention your first coco grow while still obtaining excellent results. Never the less I'm following this to see what's said; it's an interesting approach, but one bull I'd pass on riding for my first rodeo. Good luck friend.


Well-Known Member
What CannaCountry said...

I have used the head 6/9 formula.
Meh results.....high cost.

To keep thing simple and cheap...
These days I'm using Mega Crop with my coco.

Jacks is another very popular, economical powdered nute.

There are gobs of threads on lucas/head, its been around for many moons.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Greetings RIU!

I’m presently 7 days into my first Coco Coir grow, and really my first grow (had to scrap the first and address some issues 3 weeks in).

I’ve been researching non-stop, and I have settled on doing the h3ad formula (6M/9B) using GH nutes. I had a couple of questions...

I’ve done extensive planning and research about NER, ppm, EC, etc. I understand and am comfortable with the ppm of each specific nutrient, and have learned how to figure out specific ppm by using the specific gravity and guaranteed analysis info. Now, for the question...

According to all of the information I’ve seen, cannabis requires more nutrients after the first two weeks of growth. My present formulation (including using 2.5 mL of calmag) is giving me roughly 111 ppm (222 EC) of N, 60 of P, around 110 of K, 100 Ca, 50 of Mg (these are rough numbers from memory). I am presently feeding at around 450 EC (225 ppm) of diluted nutrient solution. As the plants grow and get into the vegetative state, the nutrient requirements increase. For example, I’ve seen the required Nitrogen range in mid veg around 200-250. How do I reach this target, when my full strength solution (6M:9B) is only like 550ppm? Do I increase the amount proportionally (like to 12/18)? Do I leave it at 6/9 and add other things?

Anyone who could give me a definitive answer that’s experienced both with coco and growing, I’d appreciate your input. One of the problems I’m encountering as it comes to researching this stuff is the wide variations in technique among growers on forums, coupled with ample amounts of Bro science. Would love input from some more experienced growers.
I use GH three part in Coco. Make it easy on yourself for the first grow. Use a pH meter and go with their drain to waste suggestions for the three part and Ca/Mg, ignore the rest (their Calimagic is a good ratio of Ca:Mg)

I use a TDS meter and add more or less water depending on where I am and the concentration of nutrients I need for the strain I'm growing. Then I balance pH. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
The most important is the EC runoff that shows you how much your plants eats in EC. For an example: You put 1.0 EC in and 0.6 EC comes out so no worry and no watering with runoff every 4 days a litte runoff for test check but most salt built up in later bloom mode than its best you feed less :D hey Busta Ryhems was here xD in Vege i never feed more that 1.2 EC and in Flower 1.2-1.4 but Plants eats duffent so sometime you have deficiency but it's easy to add more than flush the salt out. Coco is easy growing when you read the EC from the runoff sometime....