1st flowering room


Active Member
I am in the process of finishing my 1 flow room.But i am debating about my A/C.

My room will be 12 x 14 x 8
8 x 1000 hps
10 inch out vortex

I have my exaust (my out) in one corner at 6 foot high.But here is what i am debating about.I have a 3 ton water cooled a/c do i need to get a blower to get air inside or i can by pass that and only roll with the A/C.Or should i work with both (geting the air inside with a 10 or 12 inch air intake).I live where the temp get to about 27 to 30 celcius in the summer.

I am doing a vertical grow in a DIY kinda like eco systeme.

Any suggestion would be greatly apreciated.If you need more info i will gladly do it.