1st grow 30 days in...CFL


Well-Known Member
thats a cool chick man, giving up her closet space for weed of all things.... dont let her go or i might snatch her up:) jkin plants looking great keep the updates comin



Well-Known Member
My women gave up her closet too...AND she also takes an interest in it, i'm showing her the basics now so when i'm not home she can look after them for me.


Well-Known Member
atleast you guys dont have to get PMS BITCHED AT every single day. i fuckin love her but it hurts me cuz she is such a bitch. idk. im throwing her out. fuck it.=]


Well-Known Member
If your not happy?....why the fuck you with her?...i WOULD not put up for some women bitching at me all day...i'd kill her faster then i would a male plant on a hot July Sunday afternoon.


Well-Known Member
If your not happy?....why the fuck you with her?...i WOULD not put up for some women bitching at me all day...i'd kill her faster then i would a male plant on a hot July Sunday afternoon.
damn homie your a funny mothafucker=] haha. the same goes. the bitch is outta here. haha. and im with her cuz we were together for the last 6 yrs=[. the first 3 she was the sweetest thing. and now she is a complete bitch. fuck.
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Well-Known Member
LMFAO I'm soo lucky. She even watches football AND nascar!
Hey cronic- the one who is worth your tears, won't make you cry.
damn bro that is the truth. fuck i hate chicks. i wish there was some hot nice chicks out there. not the hot ones with the bitchy attitude. fuck shoot me now. lol. anyways. i think ima sleep with my plant tonight=] in the closet=] haha


Well-Known Member
Ok, back to the ladies (I hope a got some ladies lol) that we all love.....
Here's pics of my newest light setup. A true canopy of lights. 3 pairs of tubes on the top (6x40 watt tubes), one pair (2x40 watts) on the left side, 2 short tubes + 1 42 watt cfl mounted on a board on the right side.
Also there are 4 more 42 watt CFLs under the canopy giving light to the sides and branches of the plants. This seems like really good light coverage, and all of it with good proximity. The I just choke up a link each morning.
Only thing is, #5 has grown too tall. So i took it out from under the canopy and gave it its own lights (3 42w CFL's and 1 18in tube) Feel kinda silly giving #5 so much special attention because I think its prolly gonna be a male, but...idk so....
Will put up more individual picks this weekend. Stay tuned....
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New Member
By what was said in the first few pages it looks like you have 10 males.J/k Anyways your grow looks great and maybe after this grow you can try the hempy bucket. Far better producer than soil. Check out AZ hempy grow.


New Member
Btw, you want something similar to mylar. Go down to the local dollar store and pick up some of their shiny gift wrapping paper or the paper used to put in gift backs. 2nd to mylar!


Well-Known Member
MYLAR ????
Don't throw away those potato chip bags ,,,,,,especially the ones made out of...........Mylar. I was munching some Tims potato chips , when I finished I tore open the bag , and the inside was about 2 ft. of mylar.
Can we all say " Munchies ".:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Funny that you mentioned that now lol. I just polished off a bag of Sun Chips and noticed the inside of the bag! Duh!!
And SUN Chips too. SUN lol. Anyway I put that bag right to work for me. :) ty llLou
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Well-Known Member
Here we are at day 35. OK it wasn't 30 days in when i started this thread. I was guesstamating lol.
What a difference a week can make wow! 4,8 9 & 10 look similar. Darker green leaves and purple? leaf stems.
1,2, & 3 look similar.
5 and 6 are the same type for sure.
And 7 is a solo act. 7 has turned into a totally different strain than the rest. Its getting tall, has much skinnier leaves than the rest. must have some sativa in it.
There all doing good but not great. Most of the oldest leaves have been yellowing with brown patches. I think I started giving them nutes a little late. The yellowing has pretty much stopped.
Anyway I'm thinking I'm going to have to flower earlier than I 1st planned to, because they are getting tall and I wont have enough light for them if they get too big. Probably in a week or two?? I wish I knew their sex now it would make it so much easier.
Also I dont know how big they can get in those pots. I think I should either repot them, or flower soon???
Comments and/or suggestions appreciated!:peace:


Well-Known Member
i would go ahead and flower now....need to thin out that group before they get completely out of control. your also gonna need a shit ton of light to flower 10 2ft tall plants, and they are still gonna double in size during flowering so i would say start now....!


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm thinking too Tryintogrow. I'm hoping for 4or 5 females, because you're right I havn't got the light for more. Plus I think if I flower now, the pots they are in will be fine. Or I could transplant them, let em get bigger, idk, I got options for sure.
I could clone them, 12/12 the clones and sex them. Then I could just repot the females (moms) and have a better harvest.
Any more ideas??? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
looking good so far man. Depending on how much room you have you might want to repot. I have no idea how big your pots are but i imagine that if you keep growing in them until the finish that it should be no problem. Anyways happy growing