1st Grow!(Clone!) Need help! Pics!


Well-Known Member

So i've left the HPS light on it. It looks to be growing from the top and 2 more leaves have formed. Some of the top leaves are still yellow but look healthy and non-droopy. The room still gets very hot and the towel is the only thing keeping it cool.


Well-Known Member
update with pics! As you can see in the picture the plant is on the left in the soil with the bowl of water and a wet towel to the right. The fan is on the outside and I've cut a hole in the side so the air from the fan can blow in. Humidity is staying around 60 and the temp hovers around 80. The only way to keep the closet humid is by constantly having water in the bucket, it gets ridiculously dry if I dont.

When is a good time to begin nutes on a clone?

oh and how does the plant look? It grew new nodes on the top



Well-Known Member
Picked up some Bloodmeal 12-0-0 for vegging. says to use 1 tablespoon per square foot. Should I be using 1/4 strength or even less?

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
as long as you dont get miracle gro with ferts in it, your fine.

Perilite is good if your overwatering it. Its not hard to not over water the plant.


Well-Known Member
yeah dont over due it if your going to use nutes, start with 1/4 strength and move your way up. thats what i did...


Well-Known Member

So the clone is still under the 250w HPS about 2 and half feet away from bulb to top of plant. The temp is staying at 79-80 and the humidity is 55%.
The only problem is that as the new nodes are growing in, ! I'm seeing yellow spots on the tips of the Nodes that grew in YESTERDAY, today another set is growing in ! I'm confused as to why these yellow spots are occurring? I'm not talking about the large visible yellow on the large leaves(That's the result from the light burn when it was too close), Its yellow on the smaller nodes that are about an inch long, It's kinda hard to see with a cell phone pic but theres small yellow on the tips and a small dot on those leaves. Anyone have any thoughts?

*I've circled in red where the yellowing is occuring*

Thanks all



Well-Known Member
ill give ya a tip... anything thats dead or dying... cut off right away it will slow down your plant a great amount. even if its a clone. i just made a new batch of clones and i trim them all the time just so they have a good success rate. and so far out of 40 about 28 have rooted already and none of them are dead and i have 100% success rate =D
and as far as the spots, it can be from a lack of nutes to it or to many nutes, are you testing the water as well? the ph for soil has to be between 6.5 and 7.5 im going to say a lack a of nutes though because your not using any but im sure its not the heat.


Active Member
dude you need to understand how fertilizer is listed a 3-1-1 is vastly diferent than 10-5-8 heres how N-P-K thats what the numbers mean OK? so a 10-5-8 is 10% N 5% P and 8% K get it so a 100 lb. bag of nute has 10 lbs. N % lbs. P and 8 lbs. K using half of a 10-5-8 will really be like a 5-2.5-4 in no way close to a 3-1-1 make sure to read the list of nutes included and ensure that your using a complete fertilizer that has all micro and macro nutes also try to use a more ballanced fert one with a 1-1-1 ratio some may even be as high as 3-3-3. this will help in not burning your root system. Also if your indoor find a water soluable fert if out door use slow time release fert. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Ya thanks for the help dude. I need to go and get a PH test kit. The light is far away enough where it shouldn't be causing these burns. I'll take your advice and snip away the dead leaves and then I will add nutes tomorrow


Well-Known Member
OrganoKen, I know how to read nutes bro, I just wasn't sure when to use them since this is my first grow and its a clone


Well-Known Member
yeah dude id cut them away... i garentee they will never ever come back to life... if they die thats just more potential growth towards the top of the plant


Well-Known Member
My blood meal nutrient is 12-0-0, whats the easiest way to put the nutrients in the plant? When I try to stir it in water and try to make it dissolve it doesnt seem to want to and just sits at the bottom of the bowl that my water is in.... Any Suggestions?