1st grow.. Double Gum + Pure sativa


These pics are of plants that were planted from seed 17 days ago... they spent the first 11 days under 24h 250w CFL and are now getting about 9 hours 400w hps on top of that..... The sativa's have raced off upwards but by keeping them close to the CFL and topping them I seem to be keeping there height under control... I have had a small oscillating fan on them pretty much constantly and the stems are looking healthy and strong... They had there first very low dose of nutes yesterday and I intend to bring this up slowly - I have chosen organic soil and fertilizer. I plan to keep them vegging until the new year and
then go for it. I only have space for three plants really, so hoping at least one of the seven is a girl!! The 5 Double Gums have wildly varied phenotypes (one of them looks very strange - see pics) and my main concern is that 2 of the DG's look so bushy I cant see where there would be space for bud!

Can my plants be too bushy??

Can I encourage them to grow taller(have raised lights slightly too see if this helps)??

Will they stretch when I put them into flowering?

Any advice or help appeciated - without this web-site i would not have got this far - thanks to everyone who's advice I've studied!

seriously fantastic work. many hours' research is clearly providing good results. i brought on some fat seeds the other day the are looking tasty already but like you said to me the top and bottom side of the seed is crucial as the test batch i sewed that sprouted were the ones planted correctly as suggested by you. strange i used to use tissue paper to mimic soil type conditions and plant every one all over the place.
is it the case now, that just those that make it past the germinating process, are actually the ones worth growing on? i hope thats the method because i don't have room for 100 random weed
plants anymore.
good luck keep me posted
can i just use my 600w sodium all the time or do i need some blue?


U can defo use the red HPS for both stages.... But a Blue light... 250w CFL recommended is what helps them to bush out.... the combination is supposed to be the way forward.... Have spoken to loads of people who use red for the duration.... also for the early stages a Blue CFL is more cost effective...

keep it wicked